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Thread: Will 13" lenso's fit ad22 nx brakes?

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2012-02-18 14:05:57
Will 13" lenso's fit ad22 nx brakes?
Ok so I did the front nx brakes conversion on my b13 and I wanna know if 13" lenso drag rims will fit. If so im a happy camper.
Last edited by turbob131320 on 2012-02-18 at 14-12-11.
2012-02-18 14:31:45
Yes they will but you might have to run a small spacer.
2012-02-18 15:01:06

of course they will
2012-02-18 15:02:26
Ok thanks i wanna start with a 23" 8.0 and see how that goes. I was just worried it wouldnt fit because of the caliper being to big.
2012-02-18 15:04:45
Originally Posted by morgans432

of course they will

Nice same color as my car and what i wanna buy lol. What size are you running? Are you using any spacers?
2012-02-18 15:06:30
those were 24.5x9x13 and no there wasnt spacers. The bleeder screw came close because it wasnt an oem one on the caliper.
2012-02-18 15:24:07
ok cool. And I assume the skinnies will fit on the stock rears?
2012-02-18 16:50:37
They should. Find me a pair of skinnies for sale so I can buy them and find out if they fit the rear lol.

The fronts fit good on mine. Only issue was my bleeder screw just barely touched the inside of the rim.
2012-02-18 19:55:57
Originally Posted by nismo94tuner
They should. Find me a pair of skinnies for sale so I can buy them and find out if they fit the rear lol.

The fronts fit good on mine. Only issue was my bleeder screw just barely touched the inside of the rim.

LOL or like the honda guys do ill buy them and you can use them when you need to race. lol
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