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Thread: Dona SR20DET/VVL Drag Toyota Startlet RWD 7.94 Update

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2011-09-21 16:39:57
Dona SR20DET/VVL Drag Toyota Startlet RWD 7.94 Update
Yet another astonishing SR20 powered project that is backed up, built and tuned by Jorje Juabe aka ''OSO TECH'' , the tuner of the Kako Racing Datsun that did 7.0 on the 1320. I wish them good luck and we should see a 6 second SR20 in or before 2012 hopefully , maybe 2

Translated to English

''Here are the pictures of the last details of the Don ~ Silvia Starlet,
this bus 3 / 4 chassis for the Modified Category, with an `I 5 under construction
Rodriguez Rey property of Carolina, with the advice and help from Carlos Perez,
Nissan Motor has an SR-20, made by Bear Tech, ECU has a Sakura Motorsports
Tech tunies also by Bear, Transmission G-Force 2000, which recently came out with 850 dyno horses only 45 pounds, opening soon at the wheel with Bear Tech.''

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Last edited by THE_FUGITIVE on 2012-02-19 at 15-32-37.
2011-09-21 17:12:12
2011-09-22 02:32:24
Any more info on this car ?
2011-09-22 12:49:07
Had a great start last night it seems

''Dona Silvia - 1.16 in 60 ft @ 158 MPH 8.26 premiere''
2011-09-22 13:52:09
NICE!!!!! Would love to see a video.. Def great to see that not all the starlets are rotary lol
2011-09-22 14:32:40
Man there are alot , check the one on this page GT4094R or GT4088R? - Page 2 - SR20 Forum
2011-09-22 14:58:41

I would love to see an ALL MOTOR Startlet ...
2011-09-22 21:57:44
Mi Gente!
P.R.always repping Hard! Thats Wusup!
2011-09-22 23:13:22
Dona SR20DET VVL Drag Toyota Startlet RWD 8.26 @ 158 MPH - YouTube
2011-09-22 23:31:00
So was the ve much of an improvement? What were they running with the la motor,
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