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Thread: Congrats to Gio @ PBIR!

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2010-02-21 23:22:16
Congrats to Gio @ PBIR!
Just got a call, Gio(gio94sr20ve) won his class (11.50 index) @ PBIR today.

11.56 @ 123mph finals run, car still has quite a bit more to go. First FDR now 11.5index. Conratulation sire.

2010-02-21 23:48:24
Big ups to my dude Gio. Everyone in the class was running slicks and he held it down on drag radials.

Mid 11 second daily driven drag radial car FTMFW!!
2010-02-22 00:36:44
Congrats, very consistent times indeed.
2010-02-22 02:23:33
Just got back a little while ago, Gio held it down!
2010-02-22 02:52:54
Damn,11.56 on drag radials.. Good **** man.Now a vid must be posted,mandatory..On what platform?? If you don't me asking
2010-02-22 03:12:24
Thats impressive as hell. Dude must know how to drive pretty damn good. I wanna see some videos or at least pics!
2010-02-22 03:23:05
Nice!!! BF DR's?
2010-02-22 03:28:57
Yup BF Dr's. I think he will chiming in here by the end of the day. It'd be interesing to see what he has to say.
2010-02-22 03:29:16
Thanks, I just got back froma exhausting day at the track. The day went down like this.

1st attempt I went 10 psi in 1st, 2nd, and mid third gear I realized the boost controller was off,so I turned it on, on low boost (15psi) in mid third and all of fourth. the car went I think 12.5 at 122mph, 2.4 60ft. bogged out the hole.

2nd attempt I went 15 psi out the hole it wheel hopped at little backed off the gas got back on a few times to get traction, as soon as I got to fourth gear in I gave the car 19psi, the time was 11.8 at 128 mph. 2.0 60 ft. 97 mph at the 1/8 with a 7.8 e.t.

The last and final round I went up against an all wheel drive eclipse turbo and on the juice, we take off and he pulled a 1.7 60ft to my 1.9 60ft. Mid track we were even as he was at a high 7.4 at 92 mph at the 1/8 vs my 7.5 at 100 mph at the 1/8, I gave the car 21 psi in third and fourth. As soon as I touched fourth gear the clutch fried but I was so close to the eclipse and reeling him back in so I did not want to loose, so I was on and off the gas in fourth trying to get it to grab. So at the end that's why it trapped only 123 mph to the eclipse's 119 mph. you can see the 8 mph difference between him and me at the mid track and at the end only a 4 mph difference.

I am pretty sure the car was going to be in the 130's 133 had the clutch held and possibly coulda seen a 11.3-11.4 time slip maybe better. It was a fun day for me, still a full body car that I daily to pick up my daughters. I love my car.
2010-02-22 03:53:54
So the clutch went out as soon as you went to hi in fourth gear on the last run?
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