Safety/Support staff are there for a reason. They shouldn't let anyone stage until those that just left down the track are cleared. Not because they'd RUN INTO THEM, but because the guy at the end of the track may have had a brake failure and slammed into the barrier if one existed, or dumped **** all over the track (which you wouldn't know until you ran down there to check on him)
I voted other. When I go through the traps I put the car in neutral and hit the brakes rev the car a few times ot make sure my motor is ok then I put the car in gear and commence to down shift as I come to a stop.
^^^ lol yeah exactly what i do. gotta make sure the motor is reving up good and sounds good.
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1992 Nissan Sentra SE-R - Fully Built SR20VE, BWS400SX Billet 67mm and much more
JMS Racing tuned to 716whp, 423wtq at 29psi
10.5 @ 149.2mph to date I believe the fastest trap speed SE-R, Much more to come with some changes!
Join Date: 2007-12-23 Location: Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Posts: 1,284 Trader Score: 8 (100%)
All depends on how much track do you have to stop and the trap speeds you pass the 1/4 mile at the track we use mostly there its not a lot of track to stop and for us that pass the 1/4 mile @128+ I just let of the throttle with the car in 4th gear and brake as hard as possible jejejeje
Originally Posted by Payu All depends on how much track do you have to stop and the trap speeds you pass the 1/4 mile at the track we use mostly there its not a lot of track to stop and for us that pass the 1/4 mile @128+ I just let of the throttle with the car in 4th gear and brake as hard as possible jejejeje
Very true. The average SE-R NA or on boost traps between 95-110 mph so it's easier to stop.
I once drove my cousins EK hatchy that trapped in 146 mph and it was scary as hell trying to make it stop. The run off track seemed to go buy very fast .
I put the transmission in neutral and let it idle. Then I slam on the brakes to lock up the front tires. Once the front tires are locked up good I can put it in reverse pretty easily. I rev it to over 9,000, dump the clutch and smoke the tires in reverse until I come to a stop. You'd be surprised at how stable the car is while doing this maneuver. Also stops are pretty quick. Sometimes I like to pull the parking brake to lock up the rears as I get down to 20 MPH or so just for added flare (and not to be outdone by mirrortints).