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Thread: Ran my car in the 1/8th just for ****s and giggles and got kicked off lol

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2008-11-07 04:55:48
Ran my car in the 1/8th just for ****s and giggles and got kicked off lol
So I went to the track just for ****s and giggles today. Didnt even really go with a crew. Just rolled out there right when they opened the gates before the crowd got there. I got four runs in before they kicked me off the track!

^^Got there at about 6 (30min drive). Went strait to the line since no cars were there. With no burnout or anything just lined up. It was pretty cool cause its rare that you get to run down the track back to back by yourself. The boost here was low boost (16lbs) and I didnt launch the car at all since I wanted to get a feel for the car on the track. Light went green I took off regular and then floored it.

^^Turned right back around after getting my slip from the booth and went strait back to the tree no cool down. This time I actually launched the car but the clutch started to slip in second so I let off and coasted through the lasers.

^^Parked the car for a bit to let it cool down and to go watch some of the few other cars there who were running. Came back after turnin the boost controller off cause 16lbs was making the clutch slip and ran again. Notice the 2mph trap drop. I launched the car here but not really cause I was scared the clutch would slip again so I kinda babied it out the hole.

^^I turned right back around after this run and went to the tree with the wastegates 14.5psi (the boost controller off) and ran this. Car felt good with no clutch slipping so I tried to launch it. I got to the time booth and the guy asked me if I had a helmet. I said no why? and he said you need a helmet if your going to be running 8's or lower. I just left after that. Getting kicked off the track felt good! 8.8's with a possible 8.4-8.5 with a 2.0-1.960ft is pretty good for 14lbs of boost! I wanted to see what high boost would do. But that probably wouldve FRIED my clutch. I didnt do a burnout for any of these runs. I love how you can see the whole story if you know how to read timeslips I had a good time. I will swap my pressure plate out oneday. Its a 6 puck unsprung clutchnet with the clutchnet green pressure plate. Itll hold on the street with street tires but loading the tranny with the BFG drag radials makes it slip.
2008-11-07 17:41:59
They wouldn't rent you a helmet? Its pretty standard in NW if you run faster than 13.99 you need a helmet. You should do the quarter mile. I think your NX would shine more if you could stretch its legs.
2008-11-07 18:38:31
those look like pretty good times and traps, should get you around low 13s on dr's and around 107-110mph in the 1/4
2008-11-08 01:32:08
Im sure on low boost I could get it into the Sevens. But i would need to swap out my preussure plate first. Its an 11 sec car on high boost in the 1/4. I know that for a fact. I was just out having fun though! With some real effort and practice I think 14lbs would touch 12's in teh 1/4
2008-11-08 01:37:07
what was your 11sec trap speed?
2008-11-08 01:45:57
Originally Posted by mirrortints
what was your 11sec trap speed?

I havent ran it in the 1/4 mile yet. Really that was only the second time this car has ever been to the track. The first was with my T25 and this is the second. At this point its my daily driver...sort of...so breaking stuff like tranny and axles isnt something im trying to do(I already sheared 4th off from a roll on 16lbs on my old tranny and Id rather not do it again). This is a full interior comfortable car right now with just the A/C removed. It'll be gutted once I get my VE NX up and running. But at this point im not really trying to prove anything. But Ive driven enough proven 11 sec cars and beaten enough to know that itll run it.

Funny thing is I was standing beside some guys in the stands after my second run for my cool down session and one of the guys was talking to his friends and said "did you see that blue MX3? That ****s got a big ass turbo on it!" I just laughed a bit to myself and then corrected him.
2008-11-08 04:46:10
nice man, glad to see you went and had fun. I love when i get to go to the track, now it will be a little more reliable when i go, haha so i might just get to have alot of fun with no heartache, Nice runs, and practice makes perfect.
2008-11-09 01:40:23
I love the comment about people calling your car a MX3. There have been several times that people have mistaken my car for a Ford Escort. Sh*t cracks me up. I never correct them either. LOL.

Good times.

2008-11-21 03:37:04
Wooo!! I got back to the track tonight for the last time before they close it down for the winter. I said I wasnt leaving until I got an 8.6. But the track had other plans lol. They tried to kick me off again for no helmet. But I found a guy who would let me borrow his. I got ALOT of runs in since nobody was there. But I still cant turn the boost controller on or the clutch will slip so I was stuck at 14.5psi still! But I got my 8.6 or shall I say 8.5 backed up by alot of 8.6's!

You can really read it. But it reads:

2.16 60ft -vs- 1.89 60ft
5.72 330 -vs- 5.38 330
8.56 1/8th -vs- 8.33 1/8th
86.82 Mph -vs- 83.15mph

Its a seven second car all day as you can see by the MPH. But my clutch wasnt having any parts of that lol. All In all im happy though
2008-11-21 03:44:33
what does equate to in a 1/4 mile?

where's aaronnx at for the translation?
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