New pricing
$170 shipped for a stock feed/ regulator rail
$160 shipped for AN style rail
The AN style rails I can include fittings for $20. Aeromotive aluminum fittings (no junk)
What is the price for a 54C compatible FR
I currently don't have the GTIR available, theres just not a huge market for them anymore. I do have a used one here that I am looking to sell if interested. its a JGY piece.
No problem.....I rather not have anything remotely related to him on my car........
haha. I completely understand that! That's why it is for sale. rail came with the cylinder head. ill be using my own rail.
I dont think they are any different than DE rail, except for the clearance of the TB arm, do you have a head you can test on? If not, maybe consider "improving" the design of the "douche bag" FR
yep I have highport intake intake to mock up rail on, that's not a prob. only thing I don't have is gtir intake so like you said I would have to make clearance for linkage. im unsure of mounting point also. highport vs gtir maybe diff. I could most deff duplicate the one I have. may be awhile till I have time to do this though. how soon you looking for something like this?
I got time, my car is still at the body shop and I just do not have time to tackle the engine
sounds good. ill keep it in mind and add it to the list.