Not really sure Cliff. My guess is it will back up North.
Tracks to consider would be New Jersey Motorsports Park, Summit Point, Nelson Ledges, New Hampshire Motor Speedway?
It's the same old issue. We gonna need to piggyback on another group for the track rental. Otherwise, somebody(s) is gonna have to front the track rental fee, like Joe did this year. It wasn't until we got donations and raffle money the last minute, that Joe wasn't sweating it. With that said, if we take the piggy-back approach, we'll have to wait to see what the 2014 track schedules look like (late winter?)
I have to be honest, it was a little disconserting to see all those people at the picnic and not have a majority donating. I think I had 75 officially signed up. Of those, 35 people donated. 3 of which, paid enough to cover 30 people...thank gawd. I'm not sure what the official head count was, but it was way over a 100. I would have like to have seen people at least cover what they were taking ($10). I only had 2 people that handed me cash the day of. So basically, there were 70+ people that attended and took the "free" approach. Granted, there were lots of people that participated in the raffle, which I believe put Joe in the black. But still, if that trend continues, we'll be forced to change our approach to how we run this. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.