My thought process is this:
If we are sincerely considering a D.C. convention for '14, it may not be wise to have one in '13 relatively close to DC. I'm not against voting for Georgia again. It was a great time, great turn out, and everything flowed smoothly. Barring the return to Georgia, why not the MO/KY/TN area or even the Carolinas?
Just my .5 penny.
In addition, lets talk about something right quick regarding the committee we all discussed and agreed upon at the close of this year's convention...
We all agreed unanimously that Blair, Nate, Chris, would be the track organization committee. They all also agreed that Chris (Chris101) would be a valuable asset.
Let's (myself included) not go crazy with 100 different ideas and locations. I'm sure the track committee will come to a consensus as to what locations are prime candidates, and THEN the committee as a whole can vote on the location.
Last edited by Cliff
on 2012-06-06
at 22-04-05.