Originally Posted by
^ It would probably be really good to have the statistics from past events along with a poll. I know we don't go to NASA Nationals in Utah because of how far it is but do go to Ohio (just an example). I wonder how many would go if it is more central like St Louis or is it not worth it because you get more in Ohio and you just pretty much made the decision already to just keep it in ohio? If you want to keep it in the same area of the country, maybe look at Beaverun in PA as an option as well?
As biased as I am about keeping it in Ohio, and as much as my car loves the short trip (hehe)... I don't know how the entire community body would roll with that. I think it's good to move around and keep things fresh. Regardless of where we do it it will be a good time.
Originally Posted by
In my opinion, yes, the demographic is east coast, FL to CT but I'm 100% fine if everyone does not agree. I could be full of it ;-)
Based on past convention attendance, what were the big ones? DC, PA? How large was Savanah or Chicago? I wasn't able to make those. How about Alabama's attendance? CT was put together in 3 weeks and probably had around 60 attendees. OH was well over 100 with the majority of the attendees coming from the east coast, CT, NY, & PA. Of course there were a dozen OH attendees too.
Perhaps some sort of poll on the main forum would help?
I remember Chicago being pretty nice and I thought we had a good turnout... maybe around the same as Ohio? (someone double check me)... Albeit I still remember people complaining saying "It wasn't as big as last year". I can't speak for GA, as I couldn't attend.
Originally Posted by
BR/PittRace would be cool, but they want Putnam money for a rental.
We rent Putnam every year for the LSB Bike Track day and I always remember it being fairly decent on price maybe around $150-175. In fact my Cincinnati Base Motorcycle Group (AssfaultJunkies) Is renting the track for ourselves only and the rate we are doing is $165 (goes up this week) and this is for September 1st, 2012. This includes EMT and all that chit. I can also get a list of the schedule for next year to see if we can share a day with another car group.
That is if IN is an option... it's a bit away from the east coast...