Welcome Chris (can we call you Chris?). ChrisCar is spot on and to elaborate on his statement regarding location, yes, the track location will determine the next convention location but we also need to keep in mind most of the convention attendees are into drag racing. The drag strip proximity is paramount.
Other track facility goals we discussed are...
East of the Mississippi and try to keep centrally located within that area.
Keep per person cost under $150. The average age of participants is young. Their budgets are usually limited which is why the pay as you go plan worked so damn well.
Try to keep w/in an hours drive of hotels, restaurants and other activities.
I think we can push the envelope on one or two of these criteria if the others fit perfectly. A discussion was also had regarding keeping the convention in Cleveland every year. It's a possibility but I think we would all rather have at least one or two other locations to cycle through...especially Rob's wife ;-)
I think the plan is to set-up a "Track Committee" thread so that you, ChrisCar (Chris), Blair, Hank, Nathan (wnwright) and myself can discuss in detail.