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Thread: Bigtom weak!!!!!

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2010-08-05 15:08:31
Another reported location: Newark, DE? Thomas D Oathoudt age 32 yrs.
2010-08-05 17:36:07
What a POS.
2010-08-15 11:58:55
I knew there was something about this guy from the begining on the old forum that didn't seem right. I hope he gets what he deserves.
2010-08-15 14:21:40
This whole situation is crazy to me. I met Tom when he moved to Utah in late 2005, he was a sponsor of our local site, came to a ton of events, built my W11 DET, and I considered him a friend. I haven't heard from him in two years, he hasn't logged onto the local forum since 09-14-2008. Andreas, when did the member here get ripped off, was it recently?

I don't have any contact info so I guess this post wash somewhat useless.
2010-08-15 14:31:02
They guys real name is Noel. I cant remember what his name on the forum is.

Noel is a guy who took the bus to work everyday, while he got his parts together. he did all of this while taking care of his grandmother. Its just him and his grandmother.

Noels bus rides would take 2 hours to work and 2 hours back. He is honest man that sees people as the same but generally thats how honest people get caught.

Big Tom must have sold that head to someone for big money. He is a theif a lier a crook..........

He needs to be handled by the police, and if anyone knows where he is and does not help I find them just as guilty.
2010-08-15 16:52:03
ok.. im noel.. and yea bigtom(tom oathdoubt as was the shipping name) did take me for more than 3 g worth a parts.
it is as andreas has listed on the first page
this was happened right at the time of his dissappearance.... and i was also told from other ripped of forum members that he went to mexico.
vvl head plus port job, valves, springs, retainers, ...
n1 cams which was wpc treated....
lower n1 intake manifold.....
shippping and the list goes on...
2010-08-15 17:45:48
When was this anomaly? September of 2008? His moving to Mexico was just a story as far as I know. He was still around SLC way after he told people he was moving there.
2010-08-17 08:03:47
bigtom has always been a shady guy. he knows his stuff but he is shady. he tried doing me dirty years back before he moved to utah. i would hit up the editors at motoiq and see if they can help you.
2010-08-17 08:18:41
here is my gripe with him years back...

Where is BIGTOM??? - SR20 Forum

as you can see, in that thread he got some other people as well.
2010-08-17 18:38:53
He's still in Utah. You hear about him every once in awhile, and last I heard he still frequents Ken Garff Nissan in Salt Lake City. The picture Dre posted looked to be at the salt flats in Utah. I heard from someone in the past that he was going to be working on the oil rigs in the Gulf, not sure on the truth in that...just saying.

If I see him or find out where he is, Ill update you guys.
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