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only jamie is man enough to stepup and get the car running where the other cowards are hiding.While this is a Marsh Tuning and Shawn B. issue (and Marsh Tuning is on the road to making this right) and anything regarding individual personal matters is a bit off topic, I would like to point out one thing. It seems Mark also stepped up and supports remedying the situation. It is hard to blame Mark for not being actively involved when Shawn (completely understandably) refuses to let him take part in the process anymore. Mark is doing everything he can under those circumstances. Mark is also not hiding. He came here to explain his side.
It is only Justin that seems to be "hiding", except he seemingly has nothing to do with our community, nor does he have anything to do with this except from Marsh Tuning's perspective as a sub-contractor. He's their problem, not Shawn's, nor ours. Expecting him to show up here and explain his side is totally silly IMO.