Jamie, you have two issues IMO.
1) Your issue with Shawn
2) Your PR nightmare (resulting from the poor handling of #1)
You seem to be handling issue #1 with some poise as best I can tell, but still seriously lacking as fixing the tune/ECU only solves one of many problems caused by Marsh Tuning.
You are royally fucking up issue #2 (although not nearly as badly as Mark obviously). That's your decision. Part of what you're doing to fuck this up is failing to get the other half of Marsh Tuning on the same page and admit as a company that things are fucked. You're failing to take full ownership of this by passing the buck left and right (even though many of your words claim otherwise).
If I were you and I cared one ounce about my reputation, I would get Mark in line and on the same page. I would be offering a 50% refund of labor at the minimum, no questions asked. If that means suing Justin, that's your problem, not Shawn's. I would be on
both issues like white on rice. If I gave a shit about charging to work on another car ever again.
Originally Posted by
SR20GTi-R 3.There is more than one party involved.That's your problem, not Shawn's. You're continually giving Shawn the shaft (at least you're lubing it up, unlike Mark) by trying to make it seem like he was not working with MARSH TUNING and instead was working with Justin, Mark, and you seperately. That's total, and complete bullshit.
Originally Posted by
SR20GTi-R 4.The building/shop, however you want to specify it, houses more than one business.Again, your problem, not Shawn's. It seems to me as far as Shawn was concerned he was dealing with MARSH TUNING. Get your fucking house in order man. Holy fucking shit! The blatantly obvious cockroach scatter that is going on right now is despicable. And you have the gall to say you're not here building defenses. You sure are, just all the wrong ones.
If you want to play this like a personal issue between you and Shawn, that is fine.
Just don't come here and whine about you having a public relations disaster when the reason for that is completely on you, Mark, and collectively Marsh Tuning. You're like a child crying that his hand is burning, but you refuse to take it out of the frying pan.
Telling me to stay out of it is just another amateur PR mistake. It's time to put your big boy pants on and quit fucking this up (make Shawn whole as a part owner of Marsh Tuning, not just fix the tune/ECU) and quit complaining that you're fucking it up (unless you enjoy looking like a petulant child) by insisting on maintaining your coyer-than-thou attitude.