Now I am a bit hesitant to post this in the first place, but unfortunately I have had no luck with any other avenue. Some of you may recognize my user name and car, and may also remember that I had my Project Lucino totaled back in late January. I started to posted items for sale, my lucino bumper & G20 interior for starters, and got many bites from this forum. I didn't sell the parts individually though, I ended up selling the entire car to a member here on the forum, user name @LAM-PARK. We had really good communication throughout the whole process, from the initial offer for the car as a parts car, to the actual deal and pick up. This complaint is not about the transaction because everything was great, he even kept me updated on what was going on with the car because he knew she was a big part of my life. My complaint is with everything after.
Having never totaled a car, dealing with insurance in that capacity and what not, I was a bit too hasty in my dealings with LAM-PARK, needing to change the status of the car and transfer titles and release of liability. This is where I am hesitant. I know LAM-PARK has been a member for a long time, with roots in the SR20 scene for probably longer than I've been alive. When I told him that I had been too hasty, he seemed to be willing to help. He told me he was moving, so he didn't have time to ship the license plates to me, he didn't know the address of his new home, so release of liability couldn't be completed, etc. I first reached out to him in mid April, and there was a dialogue, very limited, but there was some. Now we are almost a month later and there has been no change. I do not have the few bits of information I need to release liability, I do not have the plates to change the title, etc. I asked for the plates so that the car's status could be changed to a status that is not street legal. I wanted to pursue this route rather than just transferring the title, feeling like I was, for lack of a better phrase, screwing him by leaving him with the responsibility of changing the cars status, something I should have done. Let me repeat, I know I am the one at fault for not doing what I should have had done from the get go. I really did not know about this stuff, and when I found out, I contacted LAM-PARK immediately to correct it. He was really personable, we hung out and shared stories for a few hours the day he picked up my car, but now its been almost a month, and nothing has happened. The car is still in my name, and I am liable if say the plates are put on another car or he managed to get it road worthy again and is driving it. I have been put in a dangerous situation, by my own fault, however selling my car here on the forum I have been apart of for many years, I expected more from someone who has been active for much longer. What I expect from this is to at a minimum release myself of liability by getting his full name and address, or at least get him to finally reply to me. Thank you. Moderators, if this is the wrong section, I apologize in advance, this is a negative feedback review, just an after the fact review and plea for assistance so to speak.
Having never totaled a car, dealing with insurance in that capacity and what not, I was a bit too hasty in my dealings with LAM-PARK, needing to change the status of the car and transfer titles and release of liability. This is where I am hesitant. I know LAM-PARK has been a member for a long time, with roots in the SR20 scene for probably longer than I've been alive. When I told him that I had been too hasty, he seemed to be willing to help. He told me he was moving, so he didn't have time to ship the license plates to me, he didn't know the address of his new home, so release of liability couldn't be completed, etc. I first reached out to him in mid April, and there was a dialogue, very limited, but there was some. Now we are almost a month later and there has been no change. I do not have the few bits of information I need to release liability, I do not have the plates to change the title, etc. I asked for the plates so that the car's status could be changed to a status that is not street legal. I wanted to pursue this route rather than just transferring the title, feeling like I was, for lack of a better phrase, screwing him by leaving him with the responsibility of changing the cars status, something I should have done. Let me repeat, I know I am the one at fault for not doing what I should have had done from the get go. I really did not know about this stuff, and when I found out, I contacted LAM-PARK immediately to correct it. He was really personable, we hung out and shared stories for a few hours the day he picked up my car, but now its been almost a month, and nothing has happened. The car is still in my name, and I am liable if say the plates are put on another car or he managed to get it road worthy again and is driving it. I have been put in a dangerous situation, by my own fault, however selling my car here on the forum I have been apart of for many years, I expected more from someone who has been active for much longer. What I expect from this is to at a minimum release myself of liability by getting his full name and address, or at least get him to finally reply to me. Thank you. Moderators, if this is the wrong section, I apologize in advance, this is a negative feedback review, just an after the fact review and plea for assistance so to speak.