Originally Posted by 91sentragti-r
once again there you go with your jumping into conclusions...
Originally Posted by Storm88000
My first gut feeling was this actually, or maybe he found a header he wanted more from someone else, but it was too late at that point. I told him I consider myself an honest person but there was no way to win in this situation. He basically tried to extort me of $175.00 or if I didn't pay up threatened to "ruin me" etc. So I said fine send the damn thing back I'll refund your money, then he started saying I'd have to refund both shipping charges, so the $130~ish from me to him, and then $130 from him to me, that's $260 + $350 = $610 - ridiculous.
My first gut feeling was this actually, or maybe he found a header he wanted more from someone else, but it was too late at that point. I told him I consider myself an honest person but there was no way to win in this situation. He basically tried to extort me of $175.00 or if I didn't pay up threatened to "ruin me" etc. So I said fine send the damn thing back I'll refund your money, then he started saying I'd have to refund both shipping charges, so the $130~ish from me to him, and then $130 from him to me, that's $260 + $350 = $610 - ridiculous.
once again there you go with your jumping into conclusions...
Jump to conclusions? Why don't you discuss how you accused me of artificially raising the price of the shipping cost so you thought I could try to pocket the difference in what you paid, because you saw on the receipt somewhere it said "99 pounds." Recall after that I told you to call the store and gave you their phone number if you didn't believe me, then you backpedaled when you saw it said 17 of 99lbs and pretended you were joking around. That sure sounds like jumping to conclusions.