Needless to say me going to where he used to live, and not seeing his car there on the two occasions I went- and trying to email him- and doing anything short of a steak-out for a long period of time at that apartment which is---- PLUG THESE COORDINATES INTO GOOD MAPS and then ( I forgot the unit # ) 32.786338,-97.06332 Has gotten me nowhere.
his door faces that parking lot... JUST to the west of that marker and he parks right there where the coordinates point out... Other then that- Unless we get some dick to find him( which might be worth it to some of you) I doubt Ill be able to get him unless A- I get lucky or B- I have a long period of time to wait...
Sorry I tried!
Edit- he drives a mazda3 hatch I believe grey in color, and his mother just got a tiny little ford something or other- a litttttle bitty car.
Last edited by Cyrus
on 2014-01-17
at 00-30-38.