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Thread: Buyer beware Jer_760

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2013-12-12 20:36:08
Buyer beware Jer_760
I have bought several Items from Jeremy, paid him through Paypal, just over $1200AU and have not yet received a thing. Could not get a tracking number and for the last month no contact.
Payment was made 2 months ago and because it is over 45 days, can not make a claim through Paypal.
I am very pissed off and disappointed
Parts should have been posted to a warehouse in CA to be shipped to Australia.

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2013-12-12 20:42:07
That's fucked up......sorry for what happened to you bro
2013-12-12 20:55:40
2 months.....wow
2013-12-12 21:38:43
Maybe the Arlington, TX boys should look him up, make it a little more personal.
2013-12-12 21:47:10
@Chriscar @Cliff @Crim

@wnwright @happynole @Vadim @coach @SE-Rawkus @AztecSR20 @SE-Rican @Serban @Rittmeister

@ moderation staff please try to help as much as you can?
Last edited by Kyle on 2013-12-12 at 21-50-19.
2013-12-12 22:15:00
This sucks!
2013-12-12 22:40:11
Buyer beware Jer_760
Thx for the forum support guys.
I have bought thousands of $$$ of the forum before and never a hitch.
The sad thing is that the parts I bought from him is already sold and deposits taken, even traded another tranny on the block that was send from another state 3000 miles from me. Snowball effect👎

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2013-12-12 22:53:18
No luck at all trying the emails or phone number he listed in his FS thread? Was his PayPal email different than the ones here?

Contact Information: jeremy.lowe720@my.tccd.edu or utqt85@yahoo.com or text (817)709-0849

Last edited by Chriscar on 2013-12-12 at 22-56-20.
2013-12-12 23:23:58
Buyer beware Jer_760
Have tried his emails i have for the past 3 weeks. No reply.
I tried his number but seems to be switched off.
I do have another email as well not listed here but also no luck.
Seems that he works in the education dept.
will try social network media as well.

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2013-12-13 01:55:43
I was in contact with this guy for his trans for sale,but he kept on stringing me along and disappearing without reply a few times....so I just got a trans elsewhere since he was playing games.
Maybe something is up with him personally?? I do know that he has been a member of the community for a good number of years,so it seems like he would want to clear this up.
Good luck,man.I hope you get some satisfaction one way or the other.
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