Here's hoping credibility and adult behaviour win the day. Chappy, I'm calling you out. You made right on your promises for a bov and fmic, please do yourself and the forum a solid and make this right. When you were packing up the box, was it an oversight to not include these items? Did you think perhaps I wouldn't notice? I'm really confused as to why, independent of the other stuff that happened between when you shipped this box and now, you thought it's acceptable to sell a flex pipe that is in the shape it is, the exhaust housing with a sheared off bolt, and not include what you said you would in the original shipment. This tells me you were looking to either rip me off from the get go, or you maybe didn't have the parts to begin with when we agreed to a price. Either way, seems to me an explanation is in order.
Last edited by canx2k
on 2014-08-27
at 16-10-02.