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Thread: 99sel-r

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2012-12-26 17:44:53
Your Pm's are full and I have not heard an answer back from you. Was trying to settle this private, but you will not answer me. I really need some answeres. I have not recieved anything, what address did you ship to and when? I sent the money on Nov.19th. I need replys, or this thread is going to have to stay open over $20.60. Thanks.
2012-12-26 19:00:30
Wasn't another thread made about him not to long ago?
2012-12-26 19:45:56
Something from like 2 years ago lol I've bought from him before and he was fine. Just trying to find some info out. And at this point I don't even need this, and could just take my money back if he is willing.

This is for Corner light harness's for Tsuru's.
2012-12-26 20:26:21

He was on the forum today after you created this thread. Have you heard from him?

Last Activity Today 01:22 PM[/h]
2012-12-26 20:30:30
Nope, 3:30 on thursday was the last time he PMed me. I have PMed him since and made this since. Like I said at this point I'll just take my money back.
2012-12-26 21:06:55
Originally Posted by Chriscar

He was on the forum today after you created this thread. Have you heard from him?

Last Activity Today 01:22 PM[/h]

Hmmm im gonna call him to find out what's going on ?he uses my acc hes my brother
2012-12-26 21:12:33
What? So who sold me the parts?
2012-12-26 21:16:13
Miguel but i mostly used it to buy parts like i was the one who pm u about the mudflaps awhile back but let me find out
2012-12-27 18:01:01
2012-12-27 19:01:54
Hes refunding the money today and im the one who sent u message about rear mudflaps
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