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2012-09-25 15:31:23
im not one to put people on the spot but im a seller and a buyer here and i would consider we all family no matter our race or location if any one knows this person or how to get in touch with this person i would like u to do so for me as i recently sent him payment for a t28 setup from him ore she today counting is 11 days since i made the payment the last contact i had with the individual was via text which i still have on my cell phone when i asked if my goods was shipped he or she replied saying there shift at work had changed and they have no gotten the chance to ship but they would ship on sat (22/9/12) the following day i try to make contact via texting and calling which i did not get no reply today i tired to make contact only to get a recording say the number is no longer in service which leaves me with no option but to file a claim but i,m asking on the forum if any one can get a hold of him before i do file a claim ill be grateful below i have posted the for sale thread with all the details thanks in advance.
2012-09-25 15:43:11


^These two threads might give you some leads. He used to be in some team nismo group #yawn.
2012-09-25 16:08:29
Originally Posted by mr-4door-sr20det


^these two threads might give you some leads. He used to be in some team nismo group #yawn.

thanks bro all im saying is that if it was back in jamaica find him and buss me bloodclat gun in a him but no worries paypal going to bus it for me thanks bro
2012-09-25 16:18:16
Originally Posted by rawdyrawdy
Originally Posted by mr-4door-sr20det


^these two threads might give you some leads. He used to be in some team nismo group #yawn.

thanks bro all im saying is that if it was back in jamaica find him and buss me bloodclat gun in a him but no worries paypal going to bus it for me thanks bro

LOL easy my yout easy!
2012-09-25 16:42:32
Team nismo strikes again
2012-09-25 17:15:45
Originally Posted by rawdyrawdy
Originally Posted by mr-4door-sr20det


^these two threads might give you some leads. He used to be in some team nismo group #yawn.

thanks bro all im saying is that if it was back in jamaica find him and buss me bloodclat gun in a him but no worries paypal going to bus it for me thanks bro

Dun the bwoyyy!!

(Just playing. I do NOT condone violence!)
2012-09-25 18:13:04
Wow lot of yaadi's on this forum huh lol
2012-09-25 20:20:21
Originally Posted by Scrildo
Wow lot of yaadi's on this forum huh lol

lol and if we are not messed with you wouldn't even know we are here not doing a soul a thing just want whats mines and ill be on my way back home u get away with anything easy in the us pretty hard lol eyes every where but this guy needs to explain him self or stop selling
2012-10-05 11:13:28
rawdyrawdy, did you get your turbo parts yet.
2012-10-06 05:20:16
Originally Posted by Andreas
rawdyrawdy, did you get your turbo parts yet.

nah bro i filled a claim with paypal only to see after like after a couple days i got this email from his brother ill just post it so u see what he said.
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 11:23:36 -0700
From: casmiguel@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: Your Dispute Has Been Escalated to a Claim - Case #PP-002-003-666-314
To: nordlimundle@hotmail.com; sr20builders@gmail.com; service@paypal.com

Greetings Nordli,

This is Miguel Castorena and I just noticed your claim and that you have not recieved the item you have purchased, or that you want your money back. I have lended my paypal account to my brother inlaw Antonio Carrillo with email address sr20builders@gmail.com

I will contact Antonio Carrillo to see what is going on with your item. Thank you for your patience and I apologize that your purchase has escaladed to a certain degree.


Miguel Castorena

Greeting Miguel
at this point i would rather my money back cause your brother did not made any effort to contact me prior to me sending the money and for this i have lost all confident in the goods he might be sending me and i do not want to get the goods and in the long run its deffective so as i stated before my money back thanks
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