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Thread: buyers beware of 92ser

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2012-05-31 06:53:37
Like I said I never got thos txts cuz I was at the hospital and as for Thursday I never got a txt back from u after u last one saying u where gunna hit me up at 4 I never got shit after that and as for being on the forums when u say u sent me txts I never got nothing I was on here and u coulda contacted me on a MSG
2012-05-31 07:13:31
Originally Posted by 92Ser
Like I said I never got thos txts cuz I was at the hospital and as for Thursday I never got a txt back from u after u last one saying u where gunna hit me up at 4 I never got shit after that and as for being on the forums when u say u sent me txts I never got nothing I was on here and u coulda contacted me on a MSG

Ok whatever im done with all this excuses. Are you going to man up or not? If your not its cool. Stop trying to make up all this excuses to justify for your actions. And you are right i didn't txt u back because you said you were going to find out if your cousin was available and you never got back to me.then i txted you for 3 days in a row and you didn't seem to be concerned.
2012-06-02 00:55:33
wow what a bunch of excuse's i seen in my life..
1. Buyer return the items to seller & ask for a refund ( ups, fed ex, usps there open 6 days a week & paypal never closes)
2. Seller return the 1/2 money you promissed to return weeks ago to the buyer in excahange for the fronts.
3. Stop making excuses and actuly do something about it. If not just state so to the guy and man up be straight up.
4. If neither one of these work than most likely you will get the BIG BAN/or get on the Black List!!

2012-06-02 04:50:37
Originally Posted by 92Ser
This...blah, blah, blah... Ya real mature and that's the sole reason I'm not giving this faggot his money back he took a week to respond back for all I know he fucked them up or some shit and is just trying to pull one over on me I even met this guy half way so he could check them out I still have all the original texts and threats etc for proof...

Originally Posted by morgans432
not necessary and makes you sound like an immature man as well

Originally Posted by 92Ser
@morgan what's not necessary?

Since you are too stupid, bigoted or both to comprehend what Morgan said to you nicely, allow me to explain it to you a bit more directly.

You sound like a prejudiced, immature, douche-bag, ignorant fuck-stick when you utilize terminology that is clearly both offensive and bigoted. Faggot is directly akin to the use of other despicable and highly inflammatory slurs like nigger, chink, gook, slant, spic, wet-back, greaser, and Kike. All of which are fighting words.

You use that type of language, and those words, in public with folks you do not know, and you are begging to have somebody righteously take offense and beat the living shit out of your sorry little ass for the fun of it.

You utilize language and terms like that on this forum, and you will not last long at all. You'll be warned, then banned, then permanently banned. Depending on the particulars and which Mod/Admin you are dealing with you could easily skip a step or two. But none of them will put up with any of those terms for very long under any circumstances.

Is that fucking clear enough for you Cupcake?

You just say the word if you need any further clarification. I'll be more than happy to oblige.

Shawn B
Last edited by Shawn B on 2012-06-02 at 07-08-33.
2012-06-02 05:03:57
Not to steer this thread in an off beat direction, but shawn I noticed you left out the white racial slurs. Yes Cracker/Cracka and red neck are slurs.

By the way, lol at cupcake. I think when I read that someone on scared straight was saying that same thing to one of the kids.
2012-06-02 05:30:44
Originally Posted by kcobabe
Not to steer this thread in an off beat direction, but shawn I noticed you left out the white racial slurs. Yes Cracker/Cracka and red neck are slurs.

Matt, one of our Administrators would certainly agree with you on that. As a pasty Irish southerner myself, I certainly did not mean to leave out the whitey cracker red-necks. Or the Micks, don't forget those drunks.

Originally Posted by kcobabe
By the way, lol at cupcake. I think when I read that someone on scared straight was saying that same thing to one of the kids.

If you knew me a little bit better, you would understand that if the con doing the Scared Straight routine with the kid, fucked up and got out of line in the bar I was working at, I would collectively throw him and all three (3) of his ex-convict buddies sitting at his table out on their fucking ears. And I might call him Snookums or Twinkles as I did it. Just to add insult to injury.

The last ex-con that I ran into is serving a life sentence in the TDC as a third strike felon. He attacked my door girl. I attacked him. He lost.

Shawn B
Last edited by Shawn B on 2012-06-02 at 05-39-13.
2012-06-09 13:07:42
I think I've seen enough...

Buyer/Seller. Both of you need to come to an agreement VERY quickly. I'm not going to continue to watch this shit go south.

Buyers fault for not just refusing to pay for the suspension and walking away, but sellers fault for false advertising and not trying to make good on transaction.

If real life gets in the way, you shouldn't have bothered selling it in the first place.

Seller: I'll give you three days to come to an agreement, or I'll add you to the blacklist and you'll never be welcome here again.
2012-06-12 15:56:37
Time's almost up...

Clock is ticking away.
2012-06-12 19:33:47
I guess he doesn't care since he bumps his for sale threads every day.
2012-06-12 20:17:19
it looks like he's selling all his b13 stuff anyway....if he doesn't want to be a productive member and at least TRY to make this right then so be it....i wanna thank cliff for stepping in before this got to outa hand and shawn b for telling it like it is!
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