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Thread: RE - Carbon Creations B13 Hoods and Trunks Group Buy

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2012-02-29 15:42:29
it honestly makes me feel good that you guys are here and i feel like i have really done somwe good for you guys, i have one mopre thing to add i read about the yellow after a year, well when this was purchased it wasnt just thrown on it sta for several months because car was not ready. i know there are some people on here that know me personaly and will vouch that when i got it sat in the box put away till car was painted and lookin sexy as what a b113 should!!!!! now i have drove on that hood for a summer whether or not i bought it ten years ago or yesterday it is still bad and like i said i responded to this compoany when i was shown the flaws and defects. so at no tim ever was there hood even used for a slight second that they couldnt have ups come and pick it back up, one more thing so we r clear the corner was not broke on arrival there just was never any cf materail in the corner just gel and it appeared to already be cracked so it was just a matter of time. also i apoligize to any one i ever said some dumb shit to or a thread jack i wont do it any more im here for u guys like you r me
2012-02-29 15:43:21
shawn u trying to get rid of that trunk n hood bro lol
2012-02-29 16:01:26
Hello Cherry Love,

I am the host of the CC/ED GB, and I would like to speak man to man on the matter. I will do my best to present myself in a professional matter and speak on behalf of both sides. Please, Cherry Love and Khurram, do not take offense of my words as I am going to play both sides. I will try to be neutral in my statement but my opinion will be stated as well. I will clearly label agreements, opinions, and suggestions.

(agreement) – I thank your opinion and your warning on the matter. All input is helpful as of I do not know you and did not know of your experience.

(opinion) – As your profile shows, you have been a member for some time. Why did you not post a complaint or “do not trust…” thread under feedback right after receiving the bad product? A year has pasted and you started to mention and surface your problem to the public. I believe your in-site a lot earlier may have prevented me from hosting such a GB from the get-go. I guaranty if you would have started a feedback regarding this issue from initial purchase and receiving of this product, you will have still to this day a current, up-to-date thread of members talking about it. You said your B13 is under build and it is shaping up, but the CF hood kills it. I would have saved for Seibon GB and got a new one and been happy. That’s me being in your shoes, I still favor CC/ED unless I get mistreated. I know all too well about “a great thing but that one thing ruins it”. If you got a new one and it was flawless, I bet you will have more fun, enjoyment, and more pride in your build, instead of head down disappointment.

(suggestion) – A year has pasted and you are still up-set with what you have, than do something. Do not say anything to neglect GB or vendor just yet, sign your name up and receive new CF product. If it is not to your liking, now you have conformed proof that they do not make quality items. Since it is a GB scenario, all or near all other products would not be good and the vendor is liable for lawsuit. We can petition and I will be happy to contact the Better Business Bureau and enlighten them on the matter. And I know from experience they get to the bottom of things. My experience was back in 2005 or 2006 when I purchase $1000 worth of audio from an online audio distributor. They did not give timely feedback and then stated that they did not have items and would have to get them some sort of way, so faulty advertisement on their part. After a long wait and run-around, I filed a Better Business Bureau case and within 2 to 3 month, got all my money back, not a penny more or less.

(agreement) – Stepping up and saying something, justifying your experience.

(opinion) – Although your input is helpful, I believe it could have been handled differently. I feel you jumped the gun and although your intentions were good and meant no harm, it was wrongly approached. Your initial statement had a hard, negative feel causing the chain reaction of a harsh, frustrated discussion upon your thread posting. I do not know the entire story, start to finish – step by step – of your problem but I do agree that the item was wrongfully sold. I have spoken to Cliff and Khurram and my opinion is that you may have received the first or one of the first, initial mold/prototype of a CF product made by CC/ED regarding B13 parts. As spoken with Cliff and Khurram, I mentioned that I have been dreaming of CF products for my B13, given it was one of my first learning to drive vehicles and the B13 I drive is a hand-me-down from the original owner, my older brother. So roughly 6-8 years dreaming and constantly looking over the aftermarket inventory. CC/ED is my main and initial company I want products from and have been following them since the start of the dream. It is true, they have recently changed; their web is all different and inventory listing is nearly up-to-date. Reason I bring this up refers back to what I stated earlier regarding you may have bought the prototype product. CC/ED did provide CF hoods for B13’s from themselves and also distributed to other dealers for sales. But their pricing directly from them was around $450-$550 without shipping and their new, current web does not list the product at all. This is why I have come about a GB and HAVE to send off factory OEM parts to make molds and casts. So seeing as how you stated you bought for $435 shipped, you probably receive a liquidated item.

(suggestion) – To everyone, please try to handle your discussions professionally and do not let emotions or feeling intervene. It will say a lot of your character and how you carry yourself. Try some method, I write all discussions or type in Microsoft Word and I start saying what is on my mind, direct thought to screen. Then I go back and edit my words and definition of my text to best present not only my sentences and meaning but to illustrate my character.

Paul Pluguez
2012-02-29 16:20:14
Originally Posted by paulpluguez
Why did you not post a complaint or “do not trust…” thread under feedback right after receiving the bad product? A year has pasted[sic]...

Although your input is helpful, I believe it could have been handled differently. I feel you jumped the gun and although your intentions were good and meant no harm, it was wrongly approached.

So he waited until it was especially relevant to tell us about a bad product and do us all a huge favor by sticking his neck out, yet he jumped the gun somehow?

Paul, I'll get to the rest of your reply later.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2012-02-29 at 16-54-55.
2012-02-29 16:23:17
I was personally with cherry(a hole) when he recieved this hood. Every blemish and imperfection that cherry has claimed is true. I was also there when he called carbon creations. I wld not buy this hood for a dd. In fact cherry offered me this hood for cheap and i laughed at him. So buyer be ware.. carbon creation wld have to do some heavy convincing and proof of better quality merchandise before I wld think about a purchase!!!
2012-02-29 16:39:30
Originally Posted by BenFenner
So he waited until it was especially relevant to tell us about a bad product and do us all a huge favor by sticking his neck out, yet he jumped the gun somehow?

Paul, I'll get to the rest of your ridiculous reply later.

I do understand it was relevant, but please do keep reading. As stated, I would have appreciated him posting something around initial date of incident. Now given such a topic has surfaced, my accreditation is affected. Please do keep in mind that although he is putting his neck out, I am too by hosting another CF GB.
2012-02-29 16:51:34
Originally Posted by paulpluguez
A year has pasted[sic] and you are still up-set with what you have, than do something.
He has. done something He tried to sort this out with the company a year ago. They snubbed him. In light of that and the new group buy, he is also doing something. Thank you cherry love again.

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
Do not say anything to neglect GB or vendor just yet,
Are you trying to tell our forum members not to warn us about potentially bad products and bad vendors?

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
sign your name up and receive new CF product.






You want him to buy another hood from this company? Are we on the same planet here? Was there an agreement for a replacement hood that none of us know about yet?

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
If it is not to your liking, now you have conformed proof that they do not make quality items.
He already has proof they don't make quality items. Why in the hell would you recommend he purchase another hood in the quest to gather further "proof"? Are you insane? Again, was there an agreement for a free replacement hood that none of us know about yet?

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
Your initial statement had a hard, negative feel causing the chain reaction of a harsh, frustrated discussion upon your thread posting.
Thankfully so.

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
(suggestion) – To everyone, please try to handle your discussions professionally
Suggestion ignored.

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
It will say a lot of your character and how you carry yourself.

How on God's green Earth have you not decided already to shut down the group buy until cherry love is fully satisfied?

I understand it would have helped you a whole lot if he had posted his experiences earlier. That is fully unfortunate. But things being as they are, and time travel not being possible, we can only do the best moving forward.
Last edited by BenFenner on 2012-02-29 at 17-01-54.
2012-02-29 17:12:39
Idk but this paul guy seems shady. He just joined this month and all of a sudden starts a gb. Excuse my french but go fuck yourself. Cherry love is a fellow forum member looking out for the community and your are the newbie looking out for a company that screwed over said member. And asking him to buy a new hood now you just made me apeshit. How about you buy him a hood if making cc look good is your priority above all else. You belong in the honduh forums
2012-02-29 17:23:04
Originally Posted by B13-Wolf
Idk but this paul guy seems shady. He just joined this month and all of a sudden starts a gb.

Please read my response to another member that asked:
Originally Posted by sr20guy View Post
I'm a little confused..are you affiliated with extreme dimensions or are you just hosting a group buy for them ? I also noticed that you recently joined the forum do you have any vouchers?

No affiliation, just hosting. There have been numerous CF group buys on any forum from many different vendors/personal creator and I either did not have time and money or was just too late to be on lists. So now I will like to host my own, given I talked to and am in contact with Carbon Creations and they seem OK with the idea.
Yes I just joined this forum, but have been a member of sr20forum.com since 01-17-2010 and discussed, bought, and sold things since. My plan was to hold GB on their website, but to do so you have to be affiliated with listed vendors or use the listed vendors (which they did not mention or announced from the start), no outside business. So I joined this forum to try my luck and from the get-go asked if I could host such a GB. With talking to Cliff and Q and A and approval from other administration, I was given the green light. Cliff was the best and great help, this forum is the best with customer/member service. So let the GB begin, I have been saving and planning to get CF products for a while and since I am on a mission, let me help out fellow B13 owners in their dreams or plans too. A product from a well known company and at a good price.


Re: Hello...
Originally Posted by paulpluguez
How can I help you or what do you want to discuss?

Originally Posted by All-Out sr2.0
the trunks. now i was in on the other GB and that clearly went terribly wrong. im just a bit iffy but am really interested. i already have the CF hood, and i painted my roof black awaiting the trunk that never make it lol.

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
I know all too well about CF GB problems and Let me make it clear for my rep. I am not going to yank on anyone. I am, guess you can say, one the few honest guys out there trying to do things right and professionally (and most of us get burned or bad rep. from others taking advantage of us) but I am willing to run that risk. I keep personnel informed as soon as possible. And I mean my word, just look how soon I respond to the thread and your PM. If anything comes up on my end, I let people know (or identify my where-a-bouts on thread/email).
I will keep everyone informed of GB and announce anything new or changed, no miscommunication. My Carbon Creation contact is pretty responsive and any questions regarding the GB I will ask and have answer as soon as he can deliver. Remember tho, most businesses like them close on weekends so a question asked late Friday may not be answered till Monday or Tuesday.

Originally Posted by All-Out sr2.0
what worries me is you just joined this month

Originally Posted by paulpluguez
I understand what you are saying and coming from. Shoot, I will feel iffy too. I know it is risky and trust is hard these days. I am not going to go on and on and paint a beautiful "why you should trust me" add/speech, I will let you decide. Keep checking thread and see how it plays out and how I do, in a way, audit me. But if you want me to "paint a beautiful trust me" add/speech, by all means ask till your hearts content.

Hello All-Out sr2.0,
how much you need upfront
2012-02-29 17:41:57
This isnt the sr20forum this is the dash. I suggest if you really want support from the members of this fprum is get them to make the prototype hi res pics uploaded to the gb thread and go from there. People will be more open to spending their hard earned money on results that can be seen. And tbh who cares how long cherry waited. Thats his choice. Maybe once you get your hood, you guys should trade see how you like having the shit end of the stick
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