Originally Posted by
Idk but this paul guy seems shady. He just joined this month and all of a sudden starts a gb.
Please read my response to another member that asked:
Originally Posted by sr20guy View Post
I'm a little confused..are you affiliated with extreme dimensions or are you just hosting a group buy for them ? I also noticed that you recently joined the forum do you have any vouchers?
No affiliation, just hosting. There have been numerous CF group buys on any forum from many different vendors/personal creator and I either did not have time and money or was just too late to be on lists. So now I will like to host my own, given I talked to and am in contact with Carbon Creations and they seem OK with the idea.
Yes I just joined this forum, but have been a member of sr20forum.com since 01-17-2010 and discussed, bought, and sold things since. My plan was to hold GB on their website, but to do so you have to be affiliated with listed vendors or use the listed vendors (which they did not mention or announced from the start), no outside business. So I joined this forum to try my luck and from the get-go asked if I could host such a GB. With talking to Cliff and Q and A and approval from other administration, I was given the green light. Cliff was the best and great help, this forum is the best with customer/member service. So let the GB begin, I have been saving and planning to get CF products for a while and since I am on a mission, let me help out fellow B13 owners in their dreams or plans too. A product from a well known company and at a good price.
Re: Hello...
Originally Posted by paulpluguez
How can I help you or what do you want to discuss?
Originally Posted by All-Out sr2.0
the trunks. now i was in on the other GB and that clearly went terribly wrong. im just a bit iffy but am really interested. i already have the CF hood, and i painted my roof black awaiting the trunk that never make it lol.
Originally Posted by paulpluguez
I know all too well about CF GB problems and Let me make it clear for my rep. I am not going to yank on anyone. I am, guess you can say, one the few honest guys out there trying to do things right and professionally (and most of us get burned or bad rep. from others taking advantage of us) but I am willing to run that risk. I keep personnel informed as soon as possible. And I mean my word, just look how soon I respond to the thread and your PM. If anything comes up on my end, I let people know (or identify my where-a-bouts on thread/email).
I will keep everyone informed of GB and announce anything new or changed, no miscommunication. My Carbon Creation contact is pretty responsive and any questions regarding the GB I will ask and have answer as soon as he can deliver. Remember tho, most businesses like them close on weekends so a question asked late Friday may not be answered till Monday or Tuesday.
Originally Posted by All-Out sr2.0
what worries me is you just joined this month
Originally Posted by paulpluguez
I understand what you are saying and coming from. Shoot, I will feel iffy too. I know it is risky and trust is hard these days. I am not going to go on and on and paint a beautiful "why you should trust me" add/speech, I will let you decide. Keep checking thread and see how it plays out and how I do, in a way, audit me. But if you want me to "paint a beautiful trust me" add/speech, by all means ask till your hearts content.
Hello All-Out sr2.0,
how much you need upfront