Thank you Cliff!!
This gentleman may or may not be the responsible or in power when the hood was produced. Also, who knows if the mold was made from a proper stock, unmodified hood?? If the hood is wrong to begin with and they had no clue, then it becomes a snow ball effect
Yes, he is here as a representative for the company, but try and be diligent with this gentleman as he seems more than willing to rectify the situation. But only time will tell and I know that (as mentioned numerous times before) forum members are immensley protective of their own and have also been cheated out of thousands of dollars, hence being a bit more weary of new comers than most
And as he said, if you bought the hood both before the company seemingly went through revamp in both customer service and quality control, this gentleman's hands is somewhat tied
Regardless, can you show us a reciept of when you bought the hood and documenantation showing your complaints, etc?? Also, documentation of how long you had the hood?? I personally would love to see this (I am NOT discrediting you at this point. I just believe in facts and proof and not just internet hearsay)
You simply cannot justify (in my eyes) what happened 1-2 years ago as current FACTS........
However, I DO agree with a majority of what Cliff has stated, and I for one would love to see a current finished product of the hood before passing judgement myself
Good luck to all.
i have nothing to prove to u if you want a hood then buy one, when it doesnt fit then dont cry about there service when youare ignored after you fill out there return form and nothing happens but gl wit that.