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Thread: JK Tuning

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2011-03-30 17:58:28
JK Tuning
Thanks alot John for tuning my car.
2011-03-30 23:57:17
Originally Posted by prtitan06
Thanks alot John for tuning my car.

No problem man. I am glad you made it back safely!
2011-03-31 00:04:44
i just looked at your website. i have a calum basic. soon to install my wideband. Can you tune this setup? it's a ve if that matters. or do i have to have your software?
2011-03-31 16:24:42
Last edited by prtitan06 on 2011-03-31 at 23-24-28. Reason: new link
2011-03-31 16:56:13
Originally Posted by blackb13se-r
i just looked at your website. i have a calum basic. soon to install my wideband. Can you tune this setup? it's a ve if that matters. or do i have to have your software?

I can tune pretty much anything with an OBD1 ECU.

You wouldn't have to purchase the software unless you want to do the tuning yourself.

I offer tuning services for your Calum Basic using NismoTronic and TunerCode, it is all listed in the services section of the NismoTronic website.
2011-03-31 16:57:33
Sounds good. My brother John told me about this tune the other day.
2011-04-03 03:54:50
is it still 450 if i just want you to tune the calum?
2011-04-03 04:08:58
pritan what did you make man ?

2011-04-03 19:51:36
2011-04-03 20:12:15
Nice man ! I bet she feels great !

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