Thank You Cliff! jamanrr deserved that. This section is to help people avoid thieves and hopefully reach an ageement when there is a misunderstanding.
A good price is NEVER an excuse to rip someone off.
The seller has the responsibility to fully disclose all pertinent facts about the item.
The buyer has the right to receive the item in the condition the seller described.
One thing all these thieves have in common is they always "justify" their actions.
"I've been out of work and didn't have the money to pay for shipping"
"I was selling it for a friend who took the money and didn't give me the item"
" I didn't know it was bad, but you bought it so it's yours now."
I'm sick of it. They come up with enough excuses on their own. We don't need someone with the same mentality to add the "but you got a good price" excuse for them.