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Thread: Got Scammed by member GRIM (Kevin Edwards)

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2011-03-30 09:33:41
Got Scammed by member GRIM (Kevin Edwards)
To make a long story short, he sold me a supposed to be in excellent shape W11 Avenir engine from these threads:



Instead a got an engine with dead compression on cylinder #2

Compression test was 135-35-135-135

This is how I got the engine after waiting severals weeks waiting to be shipped.

Valve Cover loose, no gasket, one stud missing//broken as you can see on pic 2

Due the bad weather (snow storms) we all lived back in jan and feb I had no chance to install the engine until finally 2 weekends ago.

Everything looked ok. Engine was never opened before from head to bottom. I can't say the same from top of head which came with cams and chain loose as he removed the S4 and placed the stock ones. Also, as it has a red valve cover (which can be changed or painted) but with studs and nuts instead of screws I am almost sure it's not an Avenir W11 either (as it was sold)

After long hours of work we started the engine with fresh mobil one oil filter and new spark plugs and since very first momento we got horrible idle and lots and lots of smoke from valve cover. We keep it running for about 15 mins and decided to stop it as it was not getting any better.

We did a compression test and got 135-35-135-135... we got suspicions but wanted first to check headgasket to see if it was not busted..

Added a little bit of oil to bad one and compression stayed the same 35.. no improve.

Removed head and gasket both look fine.. could not tell the same from engine specially cylinder #2

We dropped oil on top of the 4 cylinders and we noticed the oil level inmediately went down on cylinder #2 confirming that there is a problem with rings on it.

Carefully we look at it and found marks and scratches on the wall of it.

Here are the pics:

Look how oil remains on #1, 3 and 4 but #2 let it all pass down.

Cyl 1 135 comp

Cyl 2 35 comp BAD You can see the scratches and marks on wall

Cyl 3 135 comp

Cyl 4 135 comp

I send email to his email address darkness305@hotmail.com (also his paypal address) and pm him but it seems as soon as he sold all the parts he was selling he dissapeared.

I have all PMs and emails as proof of everything I am saying.

I expecifically asked him many times about engines condition and the only reason I bought was to get a better engine that the one I had because that was already been opened twice.

If anyone knows him please let him know I NEED HIS SUPPORT AND RESPONSE ON THIS MATTER. I paid for a good condition W11 SR20DET engine and I got scammed with and older one with blown rings.

I am now seriously thinking why he all of the sudden started to sell in parts his car instead of complete and his words as why he did it "got a clean SLOW single cam honda civc thats going to keep me out of trouble boost is too much fun and with honda everything is soo expensive i know i am not going to mod my car lol"

Any help is welcome on trying to find him.
2011-03-30 23:36:38
i had communication issues with the way he talked to me in our PM conversations and then just stopped talking to him, i wanted some info on his AD22 pads and rotors.. he said that Brembo rotors were THE BEST rotors on the market.. but couldn't tell me which Brembo's they were and why he was charging what he was charging (I wanted part numbers, etc)

sorry you got scammed, i hate scammers
2011-03-31 00:51:18
Oh wow, just to chime in, that head had been removed before and replaced due to the copper spray residue and horrible sanding job on the surface. Ya that's pretty crappy after waiting all that time. Well I guess its now time to either contact him and just do a partial refund and sell the rest.
2011-03-31 01:08:12
omg what the fuck is wrong with people how can u do that to one of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-03-31 01:19:49
Originally Posted by David
Oh wow, just to chime in, that head had been removed before and replaced due to the copper spray residue and horrible sanding job on the surface. Ya that's pretty crappy after waiting all that time. Well I guess its now time to either contact him and just do a partial refund and sell the rest.

My bad on this, sorry I did not explained well on this part and I want to do it as I am 100% honest.

When we had problems and we first removed the head as we thought we had a blown headgasket, everything looked fine but we did not looked carefully we though headgasket was the issue as it was sent as a in excellent condition engine, took the head to the machine shop just to make sure it was 100% flat and I was ok.

We placed a VVL headgasket I had and used copper spray on it this is the reason you see it. We did not check the cilinders as we assumed they were ok. Started the car, rechecked compresion and we got same results.. we removed head and carefully check everything we could and pics show what root cause was the whole time

How could he shipped an engine he knew it was blown???

I will post PM as I got from them.
2011-03-31 03:06:19
Originally Posted by vqman
i had communication issues with the way he talked to me in our PM conversations and then just stopped talking to him, i wanted some info on his AD22 pads and rotors.. he said that Brembo rotors were THE BEST rotors on the market.. but couldn't tell me which Brembo's they were and why he was charging what he was charging (I wanted part numbers, etc)

sorry you got scammed, i hate scammers

Me too!!!

Originally Posted by grim
Originally Posted by Wolf_SER
Originally Posted by grim
Originally Posted by Wolf_SER
Originally Posted by grim
ok i got the payment and it was sent as other so i got 624 i need the other 25bucks because now the shipping company wants 165 to ship to that zip.. i am willing to pay the extra 15 but not willing to take a loss of 15 plus 25 pls send other the other 25 you can call me at 305-801-4169 so we can talk about the best way to have to done

kevin thanks

Im easy to deal with as long as my counter part does the job (specially shipping an engine)

The money has been sent!

Luis, you have sent $40.00 USD to kevin Edwards.
Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 6WC21227XV149032B)

Original Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
08/12/2010 Payment To kevin Edwards Completed ... -$40.00 USD

Anything else my friend?

Also, please use email, I'm on to it all day while not on the forums


no problem man cool... the engine is still in the car so i will pull it out this weekend and have it shipped out most likely wendsday of next week via truck it should take around 7 days to get to tex... but i will keep you posted

Hi. Any update?

Thank you

yes i started pulling out the engine on saturday and then my mother got sick so i spent the rest of the day at the hospital so i did not finish i will try my best to have it out and shipped for you this week for sure i wil send tracking number when i have it shipped

I saw strange things on PM he sent but I thought, based on feedback, he was ok. I guess I was wrong
2011-03-31 03:07:21
Originally Posted by cherry
omg what the fuck is wrong with people how can u do that to one of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because they get free $$$ for their useless junk
2011-03-31 03:41:45
Did you get pics of the engine before you bought it? Did he replace the valve cover? Red VC usually = bluebird, not Avenir. Did you try calling him? If so, is he not answering his phone?

Sorry to hear about your troubles.

2011-03-31 04:16:47
so what you gonna do in the mean time wolf? hopfully your gonna stay in the nissan scene and not cross over...
2011-03-31 10:07:32
Originally Posted by gomba
Did you get pics of the engine before you bought it? Did he replace the valve cover? Red VC usually = bluebird, not Avenir. Did you try calling him? If so, is he not answering his phone?

Sorry to hear about your troubles.


No, I did not get pcs of the engine before buying it. He never sent them but as I say the thread of him parting out the car and the car looked so good outside I trusted him (my mistake)

Red VC I 100% agree with you too. Also using studs and nut and not screws gives the same info.

I've tried both email and phone no answer

Today we removed the pistons, now you will see WHY HE GOT OUT OF THE NISSAN TURBO GAME AND WENT BACK TO SINGLA CAM HONDA (yeah right)
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