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Thread: Bad experience buying from Overkill Engineering

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2011-02-15 11:52:43
Bad experience buying from Overkill Engineering
Hi everybody.

First of all I want to say sorry for my English, is not my first language but I’ll try to do my best so you can understand what I wants to explain.

Recently I bought from them a set of front tubular control arms for my EDM Nissan Sunny Gti N14 chassis. In the product description they say them work for Nissan B13/B14. N14 chassis is the same that B13 and front suspension member, where the arms are fixed, shares the same Nissan part number in the three chassis (B13, B14 and N14) so the arms must fit.

I received the arms and at first look they look not properly done. Here is a picture. As you can see, the stock arm (left) have the two bushings aligned but the Overkill one (right) have them at different angle and at different points in the Y-axis. I realize it was impossible to install them.

[img] http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/922/comparacionbrazos.jpg[/img]

I mail Mark and he told me I should be patience and that they will fit but they needs camber/caster plates in order to tune the geometry. He also said that all the arms he has made have a ½” difference. Never of all this is explained at the product information at his website.

I think ½” is a huge different for something that must be real accurate and done on a proper bedplate in order to have the exact same mounting points that the stock suspension. You buy this because you want to have the best geometry if you lower the car but then you have all the other geometry (Caster/Camber) changed, WTF.

I give them a try but, as I was expecting they won’t fit. This is what happened. In one of them is not possible to fix neither of the bushings, in the other arm I can fix the front bushing but not the rear one. As you can see both rear bushings (the Delrin ones) are angled, and they must be straight.

I report back to Mark and he said they are made for B13/B14 and that I my car is different they may not work. As I said before, and I let he know, the B13 has the same chassis as N14 so if they were properly made they should fit.
He told me to ship them back to “inspect”. I deny as I think I have enough evidences that all this have been his fault so I want my money back and then I will sent them back.
If I send him the arms I will lost my money and the evidences.

He never mail be back so I start a Dispute at PayPal and then a Claim. payPal said they only cover shipping related problems.

Mark, you have STOLEN me 650$. I hope everybody here reads this in order to be aware for your low quality fabrication and customer service.
2011-02-15 15:14:18
Another victim of OEM...
2011-02-15 15:18:05
Incredibly well documented, and your english is better than plenty of folks with english as their primary language.

Here's another thread of OEM's quality customer service.....


And they are on the Buyer Beware list.


Sorry to see that you have also been ripped off.
2011-02-15 15:36:43
I saw the error in their piece in the picture before you even described it. It looks like a huge issue with their "jig". We have come to expect nothing less out of this company, so we can only offer condolences and hope you can get a full refund. Maybe some pressure could be placed on OEM to give a refund, but that hasn't worked out well in the past and we have even less pull with them now that our forum has denounced them. They are deservedly on our blacklist.

What they are doing is criminal. Where do you live? It's possible your local laws could help out if you want to take legal action. Also the laws in OEM's home state of Florida could help as well. Not many people seem to want to take him to small claims court though. =/
Last edited by BenFenner on 2011-02-16 at 02-07-08.
2011-02-15 15:44:40
- Wow another victim #smh. A company that can not make a throttle cable bracket properly should not be making parts for any car! How is it that nobody hasn't beat the brakes off this guy yet?
2011-02-15 21:49:12
my question is why does OEM still have there own section? I dont how recently the OP first bought these, but if it was recently maybe it could have been avoided. So again, why is the OEM section not deleted?
2011-02-15 23:36:48
ummm maybe to keep all of their stuff archived?
2011-02-15 23:59:31
They are not in Georgia, they are in Florida
2011-02-16 01:09:42
if they just received the parts from OEM, he probably ordered them at least 13 months ago.. they are SLOW if you get anything at all from all accounts I have seen.
2011-02-16 01:26:29
didnt Joe put these on his B14???

ninja edit
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