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Thread: alfsentra??

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2011-02-08 00:10:55
ive had a few transactions with him without a hitch. i recently came to an issue with an ecu he chippd for me. he isnt responding emails or pm's here. does anyone know anywhere else to find him?

this is all i have. wish i had a phone number.
paypal: alfsentra@hotmail.com

To: Alfonso Rivera Torres
P.O Box 2302
Mayaguez, PR 00681

AR Automotive Service
Accesories & Racing Parts

i dont want to ship the ecu to the address without talking to him first.
2011-02-08 12:37:26
I have been dealing w him too w no problems, he just very busy. I always email him . I just sent him some chips to program for me on friday. He will get bac to u as soon as he can.
2011-02-08 17:10:43
which email did you use?
2011-02-08 19:49:59
2011-02-10 03:24:45
man ive emailed and pm'd countless times and havent got a response.
2011-02-10 03:45:49
Try on the ga16 forum.
2011-02-16 22:11:09
Hi man!

Sorry man, i have two jobs now and i'm very busy, but no problem, send me a new email to alfsentra@hotmail.com

Thanks to prtitan06, he's contact me about your problem and again sorry for the delay in response.

Thanks guys!
2011-02-23 22:05:56
hey bro i sent the ecu to jktuning and he reburned my chips but the ecu is still not working properly. the fans turn on once key is in on position and the car wont rev past 3k. i swap my calum ecu into the car and it runs just fine so im positive its an ecu problem. maybe a bad board or something? can you please help me get this fixed asap.

i sent you another email also. if anyone knows him and can help me get ahold of him it would be greatly appreciated
2011-03-09 17:02:49
hey guys can anyone get ahold of him easier? i shippd him my ecu on the 25th with usps priority after the jktuning reburn didnt work. i havent heard from him since. dont know if he recieved it or already fixd and shippd back to me.
2011-03-16 00:12:43
havent heard anything from him since the 23rd of feb and i shippd my ecu to the address he gave me. its been more than 2 weeks. idk what to do.
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