Looking for Calum RT ecu
Hi everybody I am looking for a Calum realtime ecu V1 or 2 or if anybody has the hardware and everything to make a regular B14 ecu a realtime then I am wiling to pay a reasonable price for it.
Calum if you could get in contact with me when you get a chance my number is 440-360-0573. Can call me or text me.
I would like to get the daughterboard and whatever else I need to install it over on my end of the table sort of speak. Less burden on anybody else I guess. Thanks in advance!
Calum if you could get in contact with me when you get a chance my number is 440-360-0573. Can call me or text me.
I would like to get the daughterboard and whatever else I need to install it over on my end of the table sort of speak. Less burden on anybody else I guess. Thanks in advance!