I can hear the conversation between Herson and Emerson over at the body shop after they checked their email, 2 weeks later...
- Herson!!! C'mere and read this!!
- Holy hell Emerson, this guy says we could be sittin' on a god damned gold mine.
- You ever hear of this Domo Arigato fella?
- Yeah, pretty sure I heard that name before.
- So this is jap scrap, not Korean junk?
- Who knew?
- How much you reckon it's worth now?
- I dunno, five grand?
- Let's make six grand and offer to paint it again for extra.
- Works for me. Who's gonna write the new advert?
- I heard you could do it on a tablet.
- You got one?
- Nope, but I could run down to the dollar store and get one.
- Okay, good. You got a dollar?
- Nope.
- Aw hell.