Don't worry,
Purpose of this thread: To create a list of people to help evacuate the cars at the SR20 Reserve.
With the fires that are going on today in San Diego County, I can't help but remember the fire storms of 2003 & 2007. When we had to evacuate the SR20 Reserve both times and it was not easy to move the cars that we had at that time. Now, with more than double the number of cars, I have realized that not only do we not have a plan to get all the cars out, we do not have nearly enough drivers to get all the cars out.
Please subscribe to this thread if you would want to be notified via the Thread Subscription function if you would like to know if something were to happen.
Please reply to this thread if you think you could help should the time come and would want to be directly contacted.
I am hoping to get a group on 10-12 people that I can count on should the time come.
Thou I hope that this is never needed, it always best to be prepared.
Thanks in advance for reading.
Thanks @Barney'sB14
Thanks @G20Tyler
Thanks @OptimumSE-R
Thanks @nxSRg20
Thanks @bmexicang
Thanks @99sel-r
Purpose of this thread: To create a list of people to help evacuate the cars at the SR20 Reserve.
With the fires that are going on today in San Diego County, I can't help but remember the fire storms of 2003 & 2007. When we had to evacuate the SR20 Reserve both times and it was not easy to move the cars that we had at that time. Now, with more than double the number of cars, I have realized that not only do we not have a plan to get all the cars out, we do not have nearly enough drivers to get all the cars out.
Please subscribe to this thread if you would want to be notified via the Thread Subscription function if you would like to know if something were to happen.
Please reply to this thread if you think you could help should the time come and would want to be directly contacted.
I am hoping to get a group on 10-12 people that I can count on should the time come.
Thou I hope that this is never needed, it always best to be prepared.
Thanks in advance for reading.
Thanks @Barney'sB14
Thanks @G20Tyler
Thanks @OptimumSE-R
Thanks @nxSRg20
Thanks @bmexicang
Thanks @99sel-r
Last edited by LAM-PARK
on 2014-05-17
at 04-23-54.