SR20 Convention
Kern County, CA
November 1st & 2nd, 2013
Hosted by Raul Fileto and Charlie Barnes
It is with great pleasure to announce the SR20 Convention in the West Coast! Having been to two SR20 National Conventions out on the east side of the country, I gained great knowledge and interest in hosting one a little closer to home. I've been mentored by the great Joemaican aka @happynole aka Uncle Joe and have been on the phone with him for hours on end. His advice and direction has given me great confidence to go ahead and proceed with the program.
For those of you who don't know what an SR20 Convention is and would like more info, Check out the Convention section of the forum by clicking on this link: SR20 National Convention
To sum up what the SR20 Convention's are about with one word, PEOPLE. The people share one thing in common with you and that is the sr20 platform vehicle. B13/B14/B15/P10/P11.
Initial schedule:
Thursday October 31st
Travel day and information gathering at Hotel which is:
Days Inn and Suites
130 E Palmdale Blvd
Palmdale, Ca. 93550
(661) 273-1400
The hotel is 27 miles from Willow Springs International Raceway.
We have blocked 10 standard rooms for our convenience. The rate will be $55.00 plus taxes which totals to $60.50 per room, per night. This is for either a single or a room with 2 queen beds. The rate is based on a minimum of 10 rooms. Less then 10 rooms the rate will be $10.00 plus taxes more per room, per night. All rooms not reserved by October 25th, 2013 will be released. No cancellations after 10/26/2013.
Mike, is the General Manager at the Hotel so ask for him when making your reservation. Be sure to mention "SR20 Convention" to get our group rate.
Free continental breakfast from 6am-9am. TONS of parking so if you will be trailering your vehicle, you won't have a problem.
Friday November 1st
We will be having our track day at Willow Springs International Raceway
Willow Springs International Raceway | Since 1953
Willow Springs has several tracks and we will be racing on the Streets of Willow Road Course
This is an open track day hosted by TEAM TOPAK which have been INCREDIBLY helpful. Revo, the main organizer of the track day has been answering all my questions and will do what it takes to make our convention SAFE and successful. Like anything else, please be very respectful of the track, track employees, Team Topak and your peers. We want to make sure everyone has fun first and foremost and a safe experience. Team Topak likes to keep a family oriented atmosphere and I hope we are all adults during our stay.

Team Topak is giving us the opportunity to have our own private run group
$130.00 per driver.
Tech Inspection at the track will be done at 7AM prompt
Followed by a Mandatory drivers meeting at 7:30AM
Track will be open at 8Am for the first class and followed by the consecutive classes (beginner/Intermediate/Advanced).
Private run group Nissan SR20 Convention.
- 8AM-12PM CW (clockwise) last 2 sessions 12pm-5pm CCW (counter clockwise)
- 5 to 6 - 20 minute sessions
- Timing/Transponder will be available at the Track for an additional $20.00.
UPDATE 6/28/13 12:06pm
Just got word from the Track event host that they have limited amount (22) of transponders available and is a first pay first served. Shouldn't be a spoiler for us but if you must have your laps timed, Hurry up and buy. (in a Korean Liquor store owner voice)
Battery is safely Secured.
Wheel lugs and nuts must be complete and not broken
Center wheel caps must be removed
NO Oil,Coolant (water),NO other Fluid leaks
Seats MUST be bolted on completely (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Seat belts are PROPERLY Working. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Cabin and Trunk must be emptied out of any objects that can fly around inside the car.
Video's and Photo's will be handled by Kevin Natividad of FEEND Media and Jerel Natividad and Ryan Natividad K.R.O.P.S.
Lunch-Video-Photo's will be Free/No Charge to all Participants.
Video and Photo's will be uploaded online after done with editing by the Film Crew. This is Team Topak's appreciation to all the attendees.
We also encourage you to bring your grill, canopy, and whatever else will make this a comfortable event for you. I am planning on bringing a bbq grill and having a few guys pitch in for some food stuffs.

Saturday November 2nd
Test and Tune at Auto Club Famoso Raceway in Bakersfield, Ca.
Auto Club Famoso Raceway
-1/4 mile drag strip
Saturday, November 2nd, 2013.
Test and Tune
Price: $65 for drag racing
$ 15 spectators
Gates Open @ 8am
Tech Inspection @ 8:15am
Racing starts @ 9:30am
Racing ends @ 5pm
Event is limited to 200 cars max per Famoso Raceway. Please arrive early to secure a spot to race!!!!
Sponsors are:
G Spec Performance @ V
Mexicali Tires
@Marsh Tuning
Perry Infiniti of Escondido
LoCo Performance
Raffle tickets pricing will be sold starting Thursday October 31st at the Days Inn and end at 12noon Nov. 2nd.
$1.00 per raffle ticket.
10 raffle tickets you will receive 2 free tickets.
20 raffle tickets you will receive 5 free tickets.
50 raffle tickets you will receive 10 free tickets.
The Picnic/Car show will also be at Famoso Raceway.
Best B13 Sentra
Best B13 NX
Best B14
Best P10
Best P11 ( In observence of our fallen brother Dema)
Farthest Driven
Iron Man award ( participation of both events and driven not towed)
Best Driver at SOW
Best 1/4 Mile time N/A
Best 1/4 Mile time Forced Induction
Now for those who are planning on racing at Willow Springs Streets of Willow road course, We have a minimum amount of drivers which is (15) we need to have sign up to run our own private session. There is also a maximum (20) for this event. I just want to make things clear as far as payment goes. There is absolutely NO REFUNDS This is coming straight from Revo of Team Topak. If you can't make it, that's too bad. What I would do in that situation is contacting a fellow driver who wants to race his car and make arrangements with him/her.
You will only be listed once you have paid in full in either Cash to me personally or via paypal [EMAIL="optimum3@sbcglobal.net"]optimum3@sbcglobal.net[/EMAIL] please add the 3% fee.
1. Barney'sB14- Martin Sebastian- w/ Transponder / B14
2. LerkZone - Frank Pavon - w/ Transponder / P10
3. Cesar D - Cesar De la Torre - w/ Transponder / p11
4. SE-Rgio - Sergio Quin - w/ transponder / B13
5. Shingouki1 - Juan Ramirez - w/ transponder / B13
6. Adrian Z - Adrian Zuniga - w/ transponder / B13
7. Cavern - j0n - with his own transponder like a boss! / P10
8. Greg V - GSpec - own transponder / B13
9. MexicaliTires - Martin Chavez - with transponder / BlackFlag B13
10. Blackwater32 - Code Mo Dee - no transponder / P10
11. BlueRB240 - Andy Hall - with transponder / S14
12. Jonadrizzy - Jonathan Nerio - with transponder / B13
13. tdtank59 - Trevor Kensiski - with transponder / P10
14. iczer200sx - Brian Abad - with transponder / B14
15. Tinnman - David Tinn - w/ transponder / B13
16. Trbobrk - Colin Gillespie - w/ transponder / Autech P10
17. Red-sr20 - Jesus Santana - w/ transponder / B13
18. KLUTCH - Patrick Davis - w/ transponder /B13
19. SixnineG - Jorge Meza - w/ transponder / P11
20. Gumby510 - Robert Harker - no transponder / B13NX
21. SER96VSPEC - Robert Sousa - no transponder / B14
I want to thank Charlie Barnes aka @zerogravity who made the convention logo and will be designing our t-shirts. Details on that also to follow.
Let the car prepping begin! See you guys in November!

Last edited by OptimumSE-R
on 2013-10-17
at 20-51-46.
Reason: Attendees updated