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Thread: #hellaoccupylittletokyo! 12/11/11

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2011-12-07 02:29:23
#hellaoccupylittletokyo! 12/11/11
Whose going? I'm bringing Barney. It would be nice to have a few fwd SR20's out there. I don't care if i'm not HellaFlush. The facebook event already has close to 300 people attending and another 140+ maybes.

Copied from Zilvia.net
Originally Posted by Zilvia.net

Facebook Event page: Log In | Facebook

Date: Sunday, December 11, 2011
Time: 6am~12:30pm <- Yes! In the morning!
Location: Little Toyko Historic District

By Fatlace:
Hello Guys & Gals! So in light of all the current events that’s been happening around the world with the whole #OCCUPY movement. Also with occupyLA just 1 City block away from IllestBoutique. I thought about a totally funny random scenario of what if we did that with cars?… Occupy a full city block square block of all modified cars… I laughed, Vince laughed & everyone I told got a nice kick about it… *10 minutes later* Lets do it!!!!

So on December 11th 2011 the morning after AutoconLA. With the support of our local neighbors & friends in Little Tokyo (RIF LOS ANGELES, BowlsLA, IllestBoutiqueLA, StandardFunctions:Parts&Scooters, Royal Origin, NightImport.com CanIbeat.com, Team Supastar & Autoconevents)

We’ll be occupying 4 streets surrounding Little Tokyo. I’ve high lighted the streets in the image below. Cars will be gathering as early as 5:30AM. Since this will take place on a Sunday metered parking is exempted for the day! This includes all day parking on yellow loading zones. Im very sure the streets will meet capacity that morning so I highlighted a second area in yellow (Office depot/Starbucks lot) for the remaining cars to park. This event will go on from 6AM-Noon. Illest Boutique will be opening doors at 9AM for all the early birds and will be giving 15% off on all items in store during the meet. A special event sticker will also be given out that day to the cars that attend the meet! Stickers will be distributed by staff at attendees cars.

To all those who attend.. This meet will be on city streets so please park correctly. We are not responsible for cars being towed and/or cited.

-Make sure your cars are in designated parking zones. DO NOT park in redzones, commercial loadingzones, and/or double park
-Make sure your you guys have your front license plates on your car! Meter maids will getcha there fast I seen it.
-Again your are NOT required to pay for parking on sundays in little tokyo but private parking lots may require you to pay (bring some parking money)
-Please conduct yourself in a professional manner! No ricer flybys, burnouts or showoffs this is not nascar find a spot and park!
-Keep the noise to a minimum & please please please clean up after yourselves!
-Most restaurants & beverage places have public restrooms for customers only. So grab a snack or a drink. Be curious to our neighbors.

So set your alarms early, come out, dress up warm, Grab a spot, get a warm cup of coffee & enjoy your morning in LittleTokyo! See you guys there!!

2011-12-08 07:44:08
2011-12-08 17:08:25
im rolling in my b13 and im rolling with a few sentras and a maxima most likely
2011-12-08 20:55:33
i as well will be going, trying to get more ppl to go
2011-12-09 01:16:44
Originally Posted by inspiredB13
im rolling in my b13 and im rolling with a few sentras and a maxima most likely

Originally Posted by r.aguilar1287
i as well will be going, trying to get more ppl to go

Sweet. Im not sure where to find you guys once im over there, but if you see barney, I'm probably right next to him.
2011-12-09 12:58:53
@Barney, ur from westco, what time u leaving
2011-12-10 03:13:19
Originally Posted by r.aguilar1287
@Barney, ur from westco, what time u leaving

Im actually spending the night at a friends house in San Dimas. But we plan to get on the road by 7am. Where are you from?
2011-12-10 16:38:14
Originally Posted by Barney'sB14
Im actually spending the night at a friends house in San Dimas. But we plan to get on the road by 7am. Where are you from?

I'm in la puente but I'm gonna be in Covina around 6:30
2011-12-10 18:19:07
I just might go to this event
2011-12-11 02:26:27
Originally Posted by r.aguilar1287
I'm in la puente but I'm gonna be in Covina around 6:30

ohh I see. Where in covina? I will be picking a friend who lives off azusa and amar tomorow morning. But i think that'l be around 6:45-7:00
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