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Thread: Weekly thursday temecula meet (now on wednesday)updated 8/2011

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2011-11-10 05:20:29
We are here and its going off!
2011-11-10 05:23:25
2011-11-10 07:59:50
it moved but we found it haha

33.500852,-117.120448 - Google Maps
Last edited by macidcrook on 2011-11-10 at 08-04-00.
2011-11-10 15:44:10
It was in the park????
2011-11-10 16:06:41
yup haha
2011-11-10 17:53:39
Yo ADAM! You aint got a THING, if you aint got the BLING and a WING! haha

2011-11-10 20:21:29
Unfortunatly thats the mindset of most IS drivers

Whats new with you Greg?
2011-11-10 23:57:01
the meet was pretty decent. Mac and Nathan it was cool meeting you guys and seeing one the cleanest 300zx i have ever seen. I can't get over that vip q45, that thing was sick!! So was that "sleeper" s13 with a stage 12 clutch haha
2011-11-11 00:54:05
ya dude thanks for coming out. dont forget about the bully dog ive got haha
2011-11-11 03:13:39
Originally Posted by macidcrook
ya dude thanks for coming out. dont forget about the bully dog ive got haha

i haven't forgot, i'm trying to convince my wife to buy it for me because my b day is on the 19th it's either that or the blue 16ve valve cover
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