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Thread: Jumpy All Over The Place Steering Wheel

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2008-07-19 15:05:12
Jumpy All Over The Place Steering Wheel
ok guys i have this 94 b13 4 door that i did a sr20 swap in.. i have tried to my best ability to put a good suspension and copy the ser sentra as much as possible here is a list of things that i have done...

changed the rear 1.6 sway bar(which was tiny) and put on nx2000 rear sway bar with new bushings...

changed the front 1.6 sway bar with a nx2000 sway bar(it was a pretty good diffrence....

NOTE..i didnt put new bushings up front because i didnt have them. they were not to bad. the bushings that go on the actuall sway bar that bolt up to the frame of the car were kind of shot end links were decent

added kyb shocks and gen II roadmagnets springs

added a cheap o ebay strut tower....

i went from having some crappy shocks matted to eibach sportline springs that were way to soft with all the 1.6 stuff to what i just mentioned above..

Now the problem..

i thought that the reason why my steering wheel was all over the place when i hit bumps was because of my crapy ass suspension(soft springs, crappy struts etc etc...) i had before but after changing all this its still there. My steering is not tight like my nx2k which has the same strut spring combo. My steering wheel just feels to lose and has to much play so it seems and when i hit bumps my steering wheel wants to go the way the bump was hit. when i hit cracks on the road or imperfections the steering wheel just kind of goes left and right really fast back and forth bout half a inch each side. i basically have to keep a strong hand on the wheel so when it does that i can correct it or keep it steady....

NOTE... i do need a aligment like nobody business

steering wheel is a lil crooked to the left.

i have 17 inch tires on the car,

ball joints are bout 2 years old but were driven on less then 1k miles before 1.6 motor went out and it sat till my swap was done. i have driven it since then about 1k so thats 2k probably all together in 2 years. driver side ball joint does have a rip boot. but still a pretty new ball joint

inner tie rod on one side is new the other side is ok hence why i only replaced one at the time..

tie rod ends are ok. i belive i replace both of them when i changed my ball joints. i think one of them have a rib also...

now im not going to lie when i first got my black nx everything in the car was pretty much shot. ball joints were all torn shocks were busted and gone i mean it was pretty bad.. But my steeting wheel was not all over the place like my sentra is. Nor did i really have this problem with the sentra when it had the 1.6 in it ...

im pretty much lost.. do i change my control arm bushings since it seems to be up front??? should i go and change the the suspension parts with torn boots even thoe they are fairly new? let me know because im tired of this ****.
2008-07-19 15:15:42
You got bump steer, caused by toe changes as the suspension extends and compresses, an alignment might fix the problem. The car may have been in an accident and tweaked some stuff.
2008-07-19 15:55:07
that may be the case but i have had some pretty bad aligment issues with this car before i did all the conversions years ago and it was never this bad.. maybe your right. maybe i just need a good aligment..

problem is when i went from stock springs and shocks in the nx to kyb RM combo i didnt have this problem at all.. i dunno.

the only think i can think of is that when the car got its aligment with the eibach(which are way to low) it threw everything out of wack and now that i got proper suspension on im paying the price because they had to tweek it so much to try and get it right with the eibachs....
2008-07-19 17:46:19
Sounds like an alignment problem as well. After the alignment let us know if there are any changes. You are not that low that you should have crazy bump steer but if it was lower then you raised it back up and changed some things around i could easily see that messing things up.
2008-07-19 18:08:21
yeah thats what im thinking now. the eibachs were way to low so getting a proper aligment was almost near impossible and probably was at its max in trying to get it right.. raise it back up with proper suspension = a big ass mess..

problem is i was already having the same issues before i changed out the eibachs and cheap o shocks.. .. its just horrible.. i feel like when i drive next to a big ass truck im going to hit a pop hole and its going to direct me right into that muther ****er lol

also i dont think nobody is going to give me a aligment without me changing all the stupid torn boots.. it sucks because like i said there pretty new and have low milage on them but because the boot is rip there going to want me to change them...
2008-07-19 18:57:36
had this problem recently with my car.

changed outter tie rods
new front tires

fixed. big time.

i needed it done cause the car rode on blown shocks an was riding to low for a long time
2008-07-19 19:05:39
yeah i do need new tires because my wear is soo bad it looks like i got slicks on one side of the tire.... lol but man 17 inch tires are expensive !
2008-07-19 20:40:34
Bigger wheels also amplify the issue since you dont get any cushion from the tire. And the wider the tire the worse it gets as well.
2008-07-20 16:30:51
yeah i understand that but like stated before when i had the 1.6 in there i didnt have all these problems with the bouncy steering wheel all this came after the car sat for a year and the 2.0 motor was put on. im going to get a alignment as soon as i replace the torn parts
2008-07-21 16:05:14
Alignment and crappy tires dude.
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