Anyone have any experience with any aftermarket steering rack solutions or maybe just some sage wisdom?
My P10 race car has an unsettling amount of dead play in the steering wheel at anything above 70mph. It is borderline scary how much it moves as I get over 100, car drives straight and from the wheel to pinion all move in unison during testing. But I can make the pinion move back and forth with the steering wheel but no movement from the front wheels. Looking to eliminate this. It has a new (refurbished) rack in it from a reputable shop in it with maybe 20 miles on it. I know the answer is probably that the pinion is done and I just need to get another rack and will do that but, if I'm pulling it again I just wanted to see if anyone has an idea other than that.
My P10 race car has an unsettling amount of dead play in the steering wheel at anything above 70mph. It is borderline scary how much it moves as I get over 100, car drives straight and from the wheel to pinion all move in unison during testing. But I can make the pinion move back and forth with the steering wheel but no movement from the front wheels. Looking to eliminate this. It has a new (refurbished) rack in it from a reputable shop in it with maybe 20 miles on it. I know the answer is probably that the pinion is done and I just need to get another rack and will do that but, if I'm pulling it again I just wanted to see if anyone has an idea other than that.