Hiya man,so are they for real saying it has to be a complete arm replacement? Man this car has been a pain in the arse finding parts for..........brake pads were same as a q45 infinity i think it was....and CVs were from a new maxima,even the CV specialists couldnt match any,I had to take them to a place here and measure everything........then they couldnt give the right snap rings. I havnt taken the arms out yet so im not too sure if thats the right bush,but Ill have a look when it stops pissing down.Would both inner and outer lower arm bushes be the same,I wouldnt think so,as my mate tried to do an alignment and said the bolt would just keep swinging back and he couldnt dial it in right...i suppose thats why it was chewing tyres on the outer edge,best he could get it was 5deg camber.
Thanks alot for your reply man.