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Thread: The difinitive answer on bushings for the P10

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2008-07-01 00:14:17
The difinitive answer on bushings for the P10
Hopefully someone can sticky this so it is available for all to see. This first post will be updated when new information becomes available.

I am in the process of re-doing my suspension bushings and wanted to let ya'll benefit from my research so you don't have to go through the hassle of finding it yourself.



9.8146G is the bushing at the very top of the struts
9.5101G is the shifter stabilizer bushing

All the rest are fairly self explanitory. You can also change the G to R to get red bushings instead of black.

Above is a screenshot of my cart at [url]www.autozone.com[/url].

There are also the Superpro adjustable camber bushings as well as the lower control arm bushings. Do some research on where to buy them as I am not sure

I hope this helps you guys out some!

Credit mostly goes to Mark for helping me out in another thread. Can't forget to mention him in this. I just figured having it all in one spot would be a good thing.
2008-07-10 11:18:00
Updated with pricing
2008-07-10 13:46:43
Thanks Blair... Good list.

2008-07-19 18:58:45
make this a sticky BLAIR kicks monster ass
2008-07-19 19:06:46
man you should make one for the b13 lol.. i need bushings but dont wanna buy the master bushing set
2008-07-19 19:31:01
Originally Posted by jen36
man you should make one for the b13 lol.. i need bushings but dont wanna buy the master bushing set

what bushings are you looking for?? I still have like 2 maybe 3 different bushing sets for the B13 laying around.
2008-07-19 20:24:18
i want to change my control arm bushings the sway bar bushings and maybe the endlink bushings on the sentra
2008-08-06 17:48:27
The control arm and endlinks are the same on the B13 and the P10. Not sure what size mm bar you have on the sentra. Let me know and I can get you the part number you need.
2008-10-10 04:40:23
Bump, someone needed part numbers. Here they are.
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