Originally Posted by
Personally we have loads of dyno in a folder and I can just scan and post…
But it doesn't answer a lot of the questions asked (such as cross walk and knee position) as we mainly use FvD to tune our valving.
It is also hard to read as our dyno do not print pretty looking colourful dyno…
The paragraph above unfortunately Jerrick is where I have my doubts about this setup
1) It is Cross TALK NOT cross walk. Simple enough mistake, so I will not delve too deeply into this one.
2) The idea behind knee point and graphs does not dictate that you need "pretty looking colourful dyno" as it is the physical quantity of change in slope of the graph generated by dynoing a shock. Essentially it's the change in slope of the shock dyno graph. It has NOTHING to do with color. This is something which is IMMEDIATELY noticed regardless of color.
Which brings me another point; Cross
Talk. A simple adjustment and re-dyno will give you the answer (read: 2 dyno sessions with 2 different settings, which according to you, you have tons of!). If you have to pull files and prepare to answer such very simple and basic questions, then it is VERY evident you are not quite knowledgeable on the basics of dampers and dynos. Which now leads me to a lose in confidence as again, if you cannot take 2 seconds to pull a quick dyno plot from your several hundreds of dynos to answer two fairly simple questions, then how am I to have any faith in this suspension is as advertised??
As an engineer by trade and working in the industry for the past 10 years, if you do not know your basics, then there is no inherent reason for me to pursue this setup........
Unfortunately to me, this setup is no better than Megan, D2, KSport, etc.
Not trying to bash, but trying to have a subjective, unbiased and knowledgeable opinion. Maybe more manufacturers should take constructive criticism and use it wisely instead of crying about being "crushed" and not being accepted............