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Thread: Just got an alignment done.....not sure how I feel

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2013-10-01 20:15:14
Just got an alignment done.....not sure how I feel
Sentra SE
Kyb agx
Roadmagnet springs
Front oem sway
Whiteline kca303m bushings
Whiteline adj rear sway


Left -1.37
Right -.6
Pretty big discrepancy between right and left, any ideas why? I know I need camber plates to really adjust camber but could there be something wrong hence the discrepancy.

Left .95
Right .97
Nissan spec .67 to 2.17
Now this is what really struck me because I have the whiteline bushings thats suppose to add at least 1 positive caster and have seen another thread where the forum member had a caster of 3.1 when before the bushings his caster was around 2.1. Is it possible I installed them backwards?

The car drives fine and feels the same as from when I had the same setup in my 200sx ser that is now sold. I had the same camber problem then too but I never got the chance to see that one aligned with the whiteline bushings.
2013-10-01 20:26:10
You may have uneven ride heights left to right

Have the springs settled??
2013-10-01 20:33:04
I would assume so as I have around 5-6k miles on them
2013-10-01 21:05:45
do you have a picture of the alignment sheet?
2013-10-02 00:39:59
Yes I do, im not sure how to post pics from my phone and im not home at the moment, but is there any data you'd like me to post? I'm really surprised with the low caster only because I was expecting it to be around 3 or close.
2013-10-02 01:10:47
It almost seems as if you have the caster bushings in backwards.On my B14 caster was around 1.3 on either side before,and 2.7 after.Get some crash bolts to adjust camber.It's certainly the easiest and cheapest way to get both sides even,plus they will give you all the camber you'll ever need.And finally,find a user-friendly alignment guy.Tell them EXACTLY what you want,and have them print the sheet out when they're done.I've been lucky to never have been to a shop where they will just put it within spec and let 'er fly.
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