I would be curious to see how much camber gain and caster loss you experience, sadly that's really hard to measure at home. Miata's have adjustable front and rear LCA arms via camed bolts:
Basically turning the front bushing changes caster by 0.37*, and camber by 0.42*. While turning the rear bushing changed caster caster and 0.03* camber. So for them, you loose caster pretty quickly by messing with the front bushing. Though I wonder if you can mostly make it up by pushing the rear bushing out more (and you gain more track width!)
What kind of camber gain are you looking to get on compression? 1.5-2* per inch? My current one, with lowered rear UCA mounts, is 0.5* and it's not enough. I think 1 to 1.5* per inch, but I have more travel then you do.