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Thread: AGX Rebound

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2012-06-22 20:09:55
AGX Rebound
Bought some used AGX. I'm pretty sure one of them is no good as the guy had some H&R's on there and looked like he went 4 wheeling. Top of the strut is all pointing down. It compresses and rebounds just fine, but gotta worry when the top is bent down like it is.

Ok, to the question all struts have a certain amount of time it takes to go from complete compression to full rebound. Problem is I can't find the time for the AGX and on what setting (already used the search). Alot about being able to change the rebound, but nothing on how lonng it takes so I can make sure they are good for at least a while. Would like to check all 4.

For the time being I will probably use these until I build some CSKs, but dont want to put them on the car just to have to change them in a month. For $200 they are usable.
2012-06-22 20:36:51
Originally Posted by njansenv
It's fairly common for twin-tubes to exhibit "morning sickness", wherein they need some use to replenish the pressure cylinder in the damper. When not in use, the oil can drain out of the pressure cylinder into the reservoir (until the oil levels out). This results in a damper "lag" wherein there is a period of reduced force for some displacement.

The foot valve at the bottom acts like a somewhat leaky check valve. In operation, the oil gets pumped back into the pressure chamber and the lag goes away.

*edit* see also:

Originally Posted by Lee Grimes @ Koni
The real answer is "No, it means nothing whatsoever." A human being can't move the shock fast enough to even begin to flow oil through the piston valving. What you feel by hand when you make adjustments is the bleed changes (oil bypassing the piston valving) and some amount of seal and guide friction/stiction that can be accentuated by the fact that the shocks are brand new and the parts have not worked together much yet. These are low pressure gas shocks of which a side effect (not a function) is that the shocks may self-extend on their own but that force is very, very small and the bleed portion of the adjustment and any light amount of friction can alter the extension rate. Just in the same way that you would never run an engine on a dyno and measure your horsepower and torque at engine idle speeds (below the design rpm range of the camshaft), trying to quantify a shock by hand is operating it far below the piston speeds where oil is actually flowing through the piston valving. Every single KONI shock absorber is dyno tested at the factory prior to advancing to the paint line. If someone receives a KONI shock with paint on it, this is proof that it passed the dyno test when it was built. Regardless of what the shock might feel like when moving them by hand or by watching the self-extension rate from the internal gas pressure, this is not real data that has any indication of actual function on the shock in operation on the car. Only a shock dyno that can move the shock fast enough to make it operate car-like at piston speeds will flow oil through the actual piston valving and quantify the real damping forces generated. I often joke that after trying to measure a shock's performance by moving it by hand, one should take their tongue and lick the shock body to see what it tastes like. Ridiculous as that sounds, it is probably about as good a testing method as moving a shock by human hand. We are going to feel different things like friction, gas pressure, bleed, etc. but we won't feel the actual valving force itself.

So basically, you can't compress them to check if they are good.
Last edited by MCarp22 on 2012-06-22 at 20-49-16.
2012-06-22 20:44:09
should of bought them from me just saying
2012-06-22 22:00:05
Thanks Mcarp22, should I use that one with the bent top at all? Can take a pic if needed, but you know how the top has a pedestal for the boot to connect to? Well that is pointing down bye about maybe 1/4".

Morgan - actually I saw yours about 2 weeks after I bought these otherwise I would have. was still thinking about it until these showed up.
2012-06-22 22:10:44
dont use the bent one for sure
2012-06-22 22:23:05
now that you are seperating how much are you wanting for yours?
2012-06-23 00:33:33
pm me lets talk buddy I will help you out since the ones you got are crap
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