have read the road magnets are a bit better and drop the car more.
You have read incorrectly Stratton.
The RM's do drop the car 1/4 inch more in the front. A negligible difference in my mind, it might be important to some folks.
"Better" is a judgement call, the two (2) types of Forum Exclusive Springs are different.
The RM's are a linear rate spring and a bit stiffer than the progressive rate Hypercoil Gen II's.

RM GBII B13 Spring rate: 325 front, 250 rear
RM GBII B13 Drop: 1.25" front, 1" rear
Struts to use: AGX's or better yet CSK's.
The Hypercoils are a progressive rate spring and a bit softer than the RM's.

B13 Hyperco Gen II
Drop: 1" front and rear
Struts to use: AGX's or better yet CSK's.
Spring rate: 110-290 front, 75-200 rear, progressive rate
On the initial "hit" on a pot-hole, the Hypercoil springs start at 110 and progressively get stiffer the farther they compress, ending up at 290.
On the initial "hit" on a pot-hole, the RM's start at 325 and stay there throughout their travel.
The RM's might be preferable for a street car that is more prone to autocross or track duty. Benito Malito certainly thinks so.
The Hypercoils will undoubtedly be more comfortable than the RM's on the streets, and can certainly handle an autocross or track duty with aplomb. (Dave Coleman and Mike Kojima certainly thought the Hypercoils mated with AGX's was a solid track-worthy suspension.)
The RM's (on this current coupon) are just over $200. The Hyperco's are just over $300. "Only" a hundred bucks difference, but that means the Hypercos are actually about 50% more expensive than the RM's. That makes zero difference to me, but could easily be important to other folks.
What is better to me? The most comfortable performance spring for daily driving. Ie....The Hypercoils. No question.
What is better to Benito Malito? The RM's, no question. He prefers their "more predictable" and stiffer nature.
What is better to you for your driving habits, roads, budget, and preference?

However, there is no "best," the Hyperco's and RM's are similar, certainly close in specifications, but different. Each has their own unique characteristics and driving experience. It is about what you prefer and your goals and uses for the suspension.
Shawn B
Last edited by Shawn B
on 2012-04-29
at 14-39-12.