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Thread: traction bars, who wants them??

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Posts: 51-60 of 81
2012-04-14 02:22:45
Only East coast guys get to poke fun at Ashton, and it is really because we like him.
2012-04-18 03:14:41
should have some pics by the end of the week, right hand thread heim joints are back ordered WTF
2012-04-25 01:54:09
made a set of templets, dropped off at a machine shop, picking up this friday

getting excited that wimpy 1/2" crossbar was for reference only, using something much better lol

debating on making brackets to hang weights off of the crossbar
2012-04-25 02:03:40
2012-05-04 02:12:07
final product for 1st set should be done this weekend
2012-05-04 02:26:13
Subscribed for updates. Sounds very interesting!
2012-05-04 14:01:08
nice,,,im interested..........i have a b14
2012-05-04 17:19:06
Before you get too carried away Justin, need you to work with us regarding a group buy setup.

Can't let you just start selling these in mass quantities without doing a legit group buy.
2012-05-04 22:15:59
Originally Posted by Cliff
Before you get too carried away Justin, need you to work with us regarding a group buy setup.

Can't let you just start selling these in mass quantities without doing a legit group buy.

i am not doing any sets but my own unless i have definite 100% commitment from members that want them...i will then contact you or whoever, take deposits, when 100% complete then i will take remainder of payments and ship

if i dont get at least 10people then ill just make my own, and the people that do seriously want a set ill make them after receiving payment in full
2012-05-08 07:18:32
how much?
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