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Thread: Brake pedal goes to floor after brake job

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2012-03-02 03:52:54
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding.
2012-03-02 03:54:29
only took 4 posts for him to realize he made a silly mistake as i have done the same
2012-03-02 04:06:09
oh snap!
2012-03-02 06:51:49
For fucks sake. They should specify right and left side...

Ill swap them tomorrow...
2012-03-02 12:46:48
Air bubbles float up fyi
2012-03-03 13:28:22
Originally Posted by GearJammer
For fucks sake. They should specify right and left side...

Yea, that's what the "L" and "R" stamped on the calipers is for. According to the FSM, the proper bleeding order is LR, RF, RR, LF. I generally bleed mine the same way BenFenner does, without all that pumping of the pedal. There is plenty of pressure to move air through the system without the pumping. But to each his own.

Another little thing I do is, after I think I have all the air out of the caliper, I tap the piston lightly with a hammer 4 or 5 times. This will ofter dislodge a few more little bubbles that could be clinging to the inside of the caliper and I will often see a little air come out after doing this.

I don't think that you have the following problem, but sometimes if you have an old MC that has not been bled for years and years, there will be enough crude built up in it to damage the seals when you sink the pedal to the floor. This this will allow fluid to pass the seals in the MC and cause the fluid to become frothy. I had this happen in my 1989 Maxima and I was getting frothy fluid to the rear brakes until I replaced the MC.
2012-03-03 19:17:34
Thank you billc, and everyone else for the info.
2012-03-03 20:43:14
Originally Posted by GearJammer
Thank you billc, and everyone else for the info.

Sorry that you got into such a frustrating situation. It's never fun to do things more than once, but it kinda seems to go with the territory (like recently when I replaced my clutch three times before getting it right).

Hope it all works out for you.

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