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First off, it doesn't look like you removed the paint around the weld. The paint burning will contaminate your weld. There is no way in hell a flux core should be used for this. IMO flux core is for artwork type welding only. These should be TIG welded and braced by someone who knows what they are doing. I would only half trust a MIG with the proper shielding gas. You're trusting 2000 pounds (plus the forces of driving which will be way more) on a couple of improper welds.
I totally agree that TIG is the most likely the proper form to use but i would have to say that Shielding gas FLUX core would absolutely be my second choice. The only down fall that you may come across is acquiring the proper MIG machine as it is a spay pattern weld apposed to a arc like hardwire. I told Russel about this a few months back, check it out for your own benifts if you do not already know about it. Because of the spray pattern you get fantastic penetration into the material and because of its makeup it is quite pliable which makes it very strong, apposed to a hardwire weld which is a bit harder and tends to be more brittle. Thought that i would bring it up since you are a fabricator, and welding practices are being discussed.
As for the welds that are in question; I am hopping that the pictures that were posted are of the the arms just being tacked up and not a final product. I am all about the DIY approach to things, but with that said, have a second set of eyes look at your LCAs, it isnt going to hurt anything having someone else look at them and it will also give you, and apparently others a piece of mind knowing that a second party checked them out too. I have to say that yes you have a GA16 in your car, and yes you are lowering your car beyond the point at which it was intended, BUT you are trying to do it correctly and I commend you for that. Everyone has their own way of making sure that you are not going to hurt, some just are a bit more eccentric than others. Just make sure its done right the first time because unfortunately you may not get a second.
Good luck Bud