Originally Posted by
^^^ im sure if russel would have made a thread like this alot of people would have said the same thing now look at his car one of the best b13 on this fourm..... to the op haters gonna hate
Russel and the OP are not in the same category, not even close in terms of expertise and skills.
Mike Kojima himself made a bunch of threads about uber-lowering his Sentra through proper custom re-engineering. I've quoted those threads extensively referencing "how to do it correctly." Those threads are in the "calling all low Sentras..whatever thread" and the new "how I did it" thread by Russel.
The reason that no one balked, commented negatively, or threw up red-flags is that Mike K and Russel both know
exactly what they are doing around a suspension.
Brand new guy who cannot change his own axles without questions? Wants to lower the living shit out his B13?
That is a different animal entirely.
Further, this forum (and the last forum) were, are, and always will be heavily performance oriented. It has been that way since the inception of the original "mailing list" prior to the innerwebz. Function and performance has always trumped form and aesthetics in this community. Nor is that
ever going to change.
Shawn B
Hmong, knock yourself out champ. I like your enthusiasm. If you insist upon doing it, just
do it correctly.