Originally Posted by
hmong_b13hahaha ok first of all did i say that the price of the control arms to get weld was $150? they guy charge me $180-$250 depend how its going to get weld so i have to wait till i get the fund since i'm have full time student. i cant just wasted all my money on the car, i have to get my book first!!
Yes, you said $150.00-$200.00. Doesn't matter if it's a whole whopping $250.00, you still cannot afford it. You're a broke-ass immature youngster that is dreaming about a modification that will cost you even more money in reliability issues with the rest of your suspension components. Fucking brilliant move.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13also about my sentra price i didnt even say "3300 firm", i put obo!! it means "OPEN BEST OFFER"
We're aware of what OBO means child. That starting price for negotiations is still a complete and total joke. Not even in the correct low-dollar ballpark.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13on the other hand yes im a ricer cause im hellaflush and hella slammed and i dgaf!!its all about the slammed, tuck, drop, rub to me!!people have there own taste if you dont like it, it fine with me.
Go find another platform sonny. You simply don't have the budget, know-how, or wherewithal to follow through.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13about the banned, yes cliff pm me so you dont know anything, about me running my mouth and like you say its my thread i can say whatever i want.
You can say whatever you want child, within the forum rules and discretion of the Staff.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13And about the GAYBOY, i call him that because he was stalking me in facebook? what if i stalk you what would you do? i bet you'll pull out a fken riffle and chase my ass right?
No, you called him that because you are an immature little boy who does not understand the concept of bigoted metaphorical hate speech.
Nor do I need a firearm to deal with anybody sonny. Least of all

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13by the way yes im a zero staying power moron, if you have a problem please contact me. my number is in the sale thread and ill deal with you. thanks!!
You'll deal with me? Son, you cannot even sit at the same card table. It is way out of your piker league.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13i could pull it off if mr shawn B stop his wanna be "know everything guy"
I have HELPED you to even get to the point of making this pointless thread. Posted more links than anyone, and pointed you in the correct direction off the get-go.
Up until YOU decided to sell your B13 to get another BMW. And got in a money-crunch over a measly $250.00, after all your big talk and bullshit.
You're a complete and total waste of time. Pathetic really. Further, your entertainment value as the butt of the joke is getting tired.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13cliff told me to time out or something so i did but
You should have listened to Cliff.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13i cant just deal with mr shawn B.
How am I preventing you from doing anything? That does not even make any sense whatsoever. I HELPED you to get this far you imbecilic, childish, attention deficit moron.
You are much ado about nothing. Just an immature attention whore polluting our forum with your temporary pipe-dream, never gonna happen, wish list of planned modifications.

Originally Posted by
hmong_b13i feel regret for making this thread!!
I would feel regret at ever helping you, but you have provided some level comic relief.
Good luck and good riddance kiddo. That BMW hella-flush scene is waiting for you with open arms.
Shawn B