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So I went to get an alignment today.
My previous alignment in June 2011 was with stock springs and struts. This time around the car was equipped with Hypercoil/AGXs, and ES+Whiteline bushings in the front control arms.
Previously my car had the following caster and toe in values
Left Right
Caster: +1.9 +2.0
Toe-In: +.09" +.08"
After the install of the bushings + the hypercoil/agx setup
Left Right
Caster: +2.5 +3.1
Toe-In: -.72" -.65"
After the alignment my values were
Left Right
Caster: +2.5 +3.1
Toe-In: +.06" +.06"
I have to see whats up with my increased difference in caster values. Before the difference was only .1 degree. Also I'd like to ad that my right side has been smashed in before. The right strut tower is bent in compared to the left tower. I think the change in caster to be expected by others is probably the change that my left side shows.
Does anybody know how to make small adjustments to caster or camber on these cars? I was thinking of pushing the top of the strut forward as much as possible in order to try to decrease the difference in caster between the two sides of my car.
This is the kind of thread I love to read. Thanks a ton for the link, I've been wanting to pick up a set for a while so the rear of my NX will rotate.
IIRC, Mike K said these increase caster by 1 degree, which looks like what you got on the right. Interesting that the left (due to damage or whatever) increased by half as much.