I was going to proudly suggest the Yokohama S. Drive tire but after reading this I hesitated:
Yokohama S.Drive6 - Car and Driver. They finished sixth in the Car and Driver test. But, despite this article, I must say I love these tires! This is the fourth summer in a row I have had these tires on my B15, with enough tread left to do one more summer atleast. My car is a DD so these tires have seen a ton of highway and a bunch of city driving as well.
Things I notice about these tires: tremendous dry weather grip in a straight line and when cornering. I'll sheepishly admit that I have taken more then one circular highway on-ramp at more then double the speed limit and never once worried about the grip failing or the tire breaking loose. These tires grip!! I thought they would not last very long because of the "summer grip factor" but as i said above, I will be using them again next year for DD'ing anyway. However, I wouldn't want to push these tires ultra-hard next year on an auto-x course on year 5 of the tire. The only downside i have noticed is the wet driving conditions. Despite the C&D article linked up above, I am not overly impressed with driving in these conditions. In a straightline, when wet, they perform above average for sure, I have only noticed hydroplaning a couple of times this year but the tires are nowhere near full tread anymore. The issue I have with these tires in the wet is they slip/skip when starting from a red-light or stop sign. Even when going easy on the gas they have a tendency to slip and this unfortunately makes me look like a drag-racer leaving the grocery-store

All in all though, these tires have exceeded my expectations and are a quiet and grippy tire in almost all conditions!
I should also say that I have never done an auto-x with these so I don't know how they would stack up, but I feel they would be more then adequate, just my .02.
I should also note that the tires I had before these were the Firestone Firehawk GTA02's that came with the car, so stepping up to the S. Drive was a huge step for me. I'm sure there are much better tires out there but for the price and the performance and for the light abuse, dry-weather, occassional auto-x "Garage queen", I would think they would more than fit the bill.
I will switch to a better tire for light-dragging and auto-x'ing next year but these tires have done me well.
I am curious to know other people's thoughts on the S. Drive though, as I have known nobody else personally that used them.
I see they have been reviewed in the ultimate tire thread here:
http://www.sr20-forum.com/suspension/29119-definitive-tire-thread-2.html#post380438....and this seems to support my thoughts, I think.